


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
Mabala School and Agricultural Project Mabala School Visit When Wolfgang arrived at the airport in Nioki, he was greeted by Nioki’s mayor, Mr. Mario, Mama Annie, members of BBK (our partner organization), as well as by teachers and students of our school. The lively local music, the songs and a big banner was their way of expressing their appreciation for this new school. He was especially touched by the heartfelt gift of the students, an artificial bonsai tree. At the school grounds, 290 pupils, 11 teachers and school Principal Philemon presented beautiful songs, poems and lines the students had learned in French and some even in English. Our Agro Veterinary School “ITAV ADH Mabala” is officially registered as a governmental school. As is the case with such new schools in Congo, the government is not paying anything to support the school or the teachers. Instead, we not only pay the…


Opening of “ADH Agro-Veterinary School of Mabala” – To the First School Year In March, Wolfgang met in Congo with members of our local ADH Congo and the BBK association as well as with our manager Jean to plan and organize the construction of our new school – the “ADH Agro-Veterinary School of Mabala”. Between April and August, Jean visited Mabala three times to oversee the work, buy materials for the construction, organize a team of construction workers and teach the local manager, Mme. Annie, how to supervise the work, take photos, report etc. He had to find out where to get the best deals for the materials and plan the fabrication of the roofs, doors, windows, school benches and tables. He reported that the team worked very well together and did a marvelous job, constructing 2 solid school buildings with 6 big bright classrooms in total as well as…


Schooling of our Mushapo pupils continues in Tshikapa After we finished the construction work of our Health Center in Mushapo at the beginning of 2017, we found out that major fighting erupted in the province Kasai. Since these troubles spread around the whole province, it was not safe for Wolfgang and Jean to visit our school in Mushapo. The unrest started because of foreign mining companies wanting to exploit the natural resources in this region. They want to drive away the population so that they can extract the raw materials more easily, just as they do in eastern Congo. In our area, the Tshokwe tribe chased out all other tribes from Mushapo and the surrounding villages. They also looted all our belongings from the camp, the school and the houses of those who had to flee. Our school director Pierre, eight of our 10 teachers and about 80 % of…


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Our Annual reports

 Along the dirt road are a few small stands that sell dried fish and sometimes some vegetables and fruit.

Mushapo - A village portrait


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