


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
Dec 2022

Annual Report 2022: The Last Four Classrooms

The Last Four Classrooms

Our school in Mabala will soon be independent from us! We have already built eight classrooms, but the school needs a total of six classrooms for the agricultural section and six classrooms for the veterinary section. So, we needed four more!

With gratitude and vision, the parents of the students took initiative once again and organized the production of thousands of new bricks. The funding of the roof, windows, doors, and cement for the walls, floors and patio came from ADH and ERA CONGO, a company operating in forest conservation in the area. It’s the same company which supported the planting of our school’s palm trees last year.

For this school year, we have enrolled 287 students, 194 boys and 93 girls in grades 7 to 12. At the end of this school year, the first 26 students will be able to take their final exams! Our school is rated second of all the schools around Nioki, a city with 60.000 inhabitants. This is a major accomplishment and shows that our teachers are doing a great job!

Progress of our schools in Mushapo and Tshikapa

Gilbert, our ADH-Congo member in Kinshasa, communicates regularly with us about the school in Mabala. Recently, we asked him to contact our first two schools in the Kasai province to see how they are doing. Here are the latest statistics from these two schools: ADH School in Mushapo (in our own buildings): 352 students in the Primary School in the morning, 12 teachers and Principal Mr. Kamba. Chief Mbumba Thumba is opening a Secondary School in the afternoon, with three departments: Agriculture, Pedagogy and Tailoring, 10 teachers. ADH Primary School in Tshikapa (in rented premises): 454 pupils, 12 teachers and Principal Pierre. These are mostly pupils and teachers from our former Mushapo School who were chased away by the local Tshokwe tribe who took advantage of the uprising in 2017, instigated by multinational companies to get access to the diamonds and minerals in Kasai.

All the schools we have established are functioning well, providing education to over 1.000 pupils and employment to 50 teachers and 4 principals!

The schools in Kasai have been operating independently since 2017, while we are still paying the teachers in the Mabala School until the end of this year. In 2023, this School will also become independent from us, which will allow us to start two new projects.

Summer Trip to Germany

It was the first time since the Covid-19 crisis that Wolfgang was able to take a trip, mainly in Bavaria, to visit some of our supporters. As usual, he also called the ones he could not see. During this trip, he was able to give three interviews about our work in the Congo and his book “Change the World with Love”: Munich TV| Radio ERF Plus | RadioChico Switzerland | Lenka was able to give a lengthy interview with the magazine • Český Bratr (Czech Brother)

Goals for 2023

Our plan for 2023 is to build two Vocational Training Centers in two different locations, fulfilling a long-time dream! We are planning to train young adults from each of these areas in a one-year course to learn a trade along the lines of agriculture, including animal husbandry, fish farming, beekeeping etc.

At the end of their training, each graduate will receive a package with seeds, possibly a baby animal, and – thus equipped – will return to their village to open up their own workplace with what they have learned in our Centers.

One project will be overseen by Jean who has been our local project manager since 2011. The Center will be located east of Kinshasa, on the Plateau de Bateke.

The other project will be headed by Joseph, whom we have known since the beginning of our activities in the Congo in 2003. This Center will be located in Nsioni, almost 500 km west of Kinshasa, towards the Atlantic Ocean.

Both men have done well with our recent microfinance projects, which gives us confidence that these two new projects should work out satisfactorily as well.

Let’s keep changing the world with love.

Image Gallery
Lenka’s group’s Christmas meeting: L-R Ema, Mia, Lucka V., Lucka B., Lenka, Anissa and TerezaADH yearly meeting – online. Top: Andreas, Jens and Melanie, Wolfgang. Bottom: Lenka, JosWolfgang’s radio interview... attaching the roof beams like a circus act, ...... and finally attaching corrugated roof sheets.Students with new donated black boardsBricks for window protection and air ventilationPlastering the walls to protect them against rainFinishing the inside of the classrooms: Plastering the walls and cementing the floorsFinishing the inside of the classrooms: Plastering the walls and cementing the floorsConstructing a new school building with four classrooms (left)It started with thousands of new bricks, ...... continued with raising the walls, leaving space for doors & windows with air vents above them, ...... continued with raising the walls, leaving space for doors & windows with air vents above them, ...... attaching the roof beams like a circus act, ...

Our Annual reports

 Sometimes the biggest obstacle to school attendance is the great poverty of the parents. They have so little money that they often cannot pay the school fees. Therefore, our school in Mushapo is for free.

Our objective – to provide education


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