


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
Jul 2004

News about our Work in Kinshasa

The container finally arrived here and we thank God for some companies who helped us with the very high transport and handling charges, which came about to the same amount as the whole transport from Erfurt to Matadi.

 We also faced tremendous difficulties in our preparations for the distribution because the political situation here was quite turbulent in the last few months: two attempted coup d’etats including attacks of Rwandan soldiers and former rebels in the East of Congo which resulted in violent demonstrations in Kinshasa and in other cities against the MONUC, the peace keeping force of the UN for Congo. Several people on both sides lost their lives in all this and we had to stay in our house for several days during this time.

In light of all these different complications we are planning to switch the focus of our aid from this container project to other needy local projects in the future, like schools, orphanages, prisons and hospitals etc.

We want to ask you to please keep praying with us for peace in this country and that there will be more peaceful solutions found among the many different factions to stop all the trouble and heartache this country suffered in the last years. Thank you very much! For those of you who know about and believe in the power of prayer, you know that prayer is not the least you can do for someone else, but the most. What things so ever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them (Mk. 11:24). If you are able to support our work financially we would be very thankful as our team of fulltime volunteers can’t do the job without your help.

Image Gallery
Our team celebrates a special birthday party with our Bible Study group.Wolfgang prays with interested group of performers.Wolfgang, Mathew & helpers unload a shoemaker machine.Everybody was happy to help unload our container.

Our Annual reports

 ADH tries to counter the progressive urbanization in the Congo!

Our objective – to counter urbanization


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