


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
Since our school in Mabala is operating completely independent from us, we were able to slowly start two new projects, one in Nsioni and one on the Plateau de Bateke. In spite of the extremely difficult conditions with no infrastructure and electricity, Joseph in Nsioni has done well on his project. By now, he has been able to move almost his whole workshop from Kinshasa to the farm, which was not an easy task. He has bred many fish in his fishponds. Since most people there don’t have fridges to preserve the fish they catch, they do it by salting and drying them. He also planted many vegetables and fruits. Many of his trees bore good fruit like bananas, plantains and papayas. He is also growing coconut trees even if it will take time for them to bear fruit. Since Joseph is a very talented handyman and inventor, he has…


Photos from the Congo, Easter 2023 Kinshasa Francois brings food supplies such as oil, rice etc. to the COLK orphanage which we support from time to time Mabala Acacia seedlings in front of our four new classrooms Students learn how to measure a tree- line for the acacia trees on our field Plateau de Bateke Jean’s Micro Finance Project Jean with sweet potatoes Harvest of sweet potatoes His manioc field First steps of Jean’s Vocational Training Center Building materials for the construction of a CHICKEN COOP. Making bricks and ...


The Last Four Classrooms Our school in Mabala will soon be independent from us! We have already built eight classrooms, but the school needs a total of six classrooms for the agricultural section and six classrooms for the veterinary section. So, we needed four more! With gratitude and vision, the parents of the students took initiative once again and organized the production of thousands of new bricks. The funding of the roof, windows, doors, and cement for the walls, floors and patio came from ADH and ERA CONGO, a company operating in forest conservation in the area. It’s the same company which supported the planting of our school’s palm trees last year. For this school year, we have enrolled 287 students, 194 boys and 93 girls in grades 7 to 12. At the end of this school year, the first 26 students will be able to take their final exams!…


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Our Annual reports

 ADH tries to counter the progressive urbanization in the Congo!

Our objective – to counter urbanization


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