


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
Additional School Building in Mabala After building a well for drinking water for our school by the middle of this year, the parents of our students initiated and supported the making of 10,000 bricks for another school building. In 2018, our school started out with three classrooms each for grade 7 and 8. Each year, we added new grades, and this school year we needed 2 more classrooms for the agricultural and veterinarian section of grade 11. Besides the bricks, we needed wood and corrugated metal sheets for the roof, windows, doors and cement for the protection of the walls against rain as well as for the floors and outside patios. ADH contributed the needed finances to purchase these items and paid the workers. The work went well and now everybody is very thankful for the two new classrooms as well as a new room for the teachers. Thank God,…


Since Mabala is located in an area where the Corona virus was not so widespread, the Congolese government gave permission for all schools in this region to reopen after a short time of closure in January. We are very grateful for this because in Congo’s countryside there is no online communication for schools like in industrialized countries or in some private schools in Kinshasa. Our school director Philemon continued to oversee the work on the acacia and palm nut tree nurseries. The students have now been able to plant the first batches of trees on our field around the school. Two hectares of cassava, the main staple food in the Congo, have also been planted. After many similar previous ventures in Mushapo, all of which we unfortunately had to stop due to theft, this is a long-awaited dream that is gradually coming true for us. It will still take years…


ADH projects are in the shadow of the COVID 19 virus this year Like in most parts of the world, Congo too was overshadowed this year by the COVID 19 virus. All the schools and universities were closed since March. Thankfully, the schools in Congo opened again in October. We are very grateful for this as in some other countries schools were shut down again after some time due to a new surge of the virus. In the developed countries, when the schools close, lessons continue online. This is not possible with Congolese schools in the countryside, as children have no access to electricity, the necessary equipment or the internet. Another obstacle with schools in Congo is the problem that in newly set up schools the teachers do not receive a salary from the government, especially with secondary schools in the countryside, like ours in Mabala. Instead, the students have…


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Our Annual reports

 Along the dirt road are a few small stands that sell dried fish and sometimes some vegetables and fruit.

Mushapo - A village portrait


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