


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
Mar 2009

Anissa Mary and Many Other Big Steps Forward

For those of you who don’t know yet, since quite a while we were considering adopting a Congolese baby and have inquired at two orphanages about the possibilities. Unexpectedly soon after our visit we received a phone call informing us that an abandoned newborn baby was found on the street in the night. As shocking as this news was we’ve heard of similar cases before.

After checking things out and praying further about the matter we decided to adopt her. We named her Anissa Mary and she is such a joy. Many Congolese get touched by our adopting one of their children and take it as proof of our love for their people.  

The food distribution at our two orphan centers is going well and we again had some special visitors to help with this: one couple from the German Embassy and one couple from the Belgian Embassy. They also donated food, clothes and shoes.

A teacher from the French school and her two teens helped us with one of our Christmas programs. During this season we were extra busy with different shows - both for the 30 orphans in Kisenso and the 70 orphans at Mokali as well as for children in some hospitals and the orphanage where we found Anissa. Fisca, one of our Bible students, went with us everywhere, was part of the program and faithfully translated into Lingala, the local language.

Our missionary colleague and Africa lover, Roland, who wanted to join our team, but had to stay back in England for health reasons, came for a one month visit. He was a big blessing as he didn’t just bring some needed items, but also helped actively in our work.

The German Embassy came through with the biggest possible grant they can give for a project like ours - a very big blessing! This means the starting point for our long planned building in Mokali, although there are still a few important details to be worked out before we can actually start with the construction. Prices i.e. are fluctuating a lot recently and we have the usual challenge to find trustworthy people to do a good job – not an easy task here. Since the grant covers expenses only for the materials we are also looking for other donors who can help with the transport and labor etc. Another special “Thank You” goes to the Vodacom company which dona-ted a very useful and needed Nissan pick-up. This is a big help as mobility and transport are so important in our work here.

One more highlight was the graduation of our first set of Bible students who finished the “12 Foundation Stones” study course. This basic training course is very important as there are so many different teachings going around here and many people wonder what to believe. This course gives a solid understanding of the many practical and spiritual guidelines in the Bible, which people can build their lives on. And after graduating they can share what they learned with others (2.Tim 2:2). Our goal is to start many such study groups so that people everywhere can learn how to apply those values to their everyday lives.

Last but not least: Thank you all for your continued support of our work in so many different ways. Thanks to some new sponsors we are able to send a quarter of the orphans to school now. Please keep praying for our work and that peace will prevail in the country. Thank you very much!

Image Gallery
Wolfgang & Lenka with Anissa Mary (3 months old)First two rows: graduates - behind: family and friends.nannanChildren in the General hospital color in their pictures...Rosine really gets them going, singing Congolese style.nanNow who would this dress be for? Wolfgang & Olga in Mokali.Quite talented: Florence cooking 70 Christmas meals...... especially with juice and fresh Christmas donuts!nanOrphan brings wood to the market.nannannannannannanFisca, Naomi and some of the kids at Ngaliema hospital.nannanFirst pineapples after almost 2 years.nannan

Our Annual reports

 An early focus on the sustainability of a development project is critical to the long-term success!

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