


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
Dec 2018

Annual Report 2018

Opening of “ADH Agro-Veterinary School of Mabala” – To the First School Year

In March, Wolfgang met in Congo with members of our local ADH Congo and the BBK association as well as with our manager Jean to plan and organize the construction of our new school – the “ADH Agro-Veterinary School of Mabala”.

Between April and August, Jean visited Mabala three times to oversee the work, buy materials for the construction, organize a team of construction workers and teach the local manager, Mme. Annie, how to supervise the work, take photos, report etc. He had to find out where to get the best deals for the materials and plan the fabrication of the roofs, doors, windows, school benches and tables.

He reported that the team worked very well together and did a marvelous job, constructing 2 solid school buildings with 6 big bright classrooms in total as well as a nice staff building for the school director Philemon, his secretary and the team of 9 teachers. The BBK in Kinshasa is paying the teachers which enables the pupils to attend school free of charge. It is our second school of this type, basically unheard of in Congo as all other schools demand school fees.

The German Embassy played an important role in this project as their grant covered half of our expenses, a very big help for us! We are also very thankful for a few other donors in Kinshasa and especially for our regular supporters in Europe. Many thanks to all of you for your participation in this enormous achievement to literally erect a new school out of the ground within just a few months! It is a unique opportunity to offer a better future to almost 300 children and to create new jobs for several previously unemployed teachers and workers!

We appreciate also the NGO “Feed the Hungry” in the Czech Republic who arranged the shipping and import of a 40-foot container with fortified rice meal packages, which was imported and distributed by the “Scripture Union” to many needy people and institutions in Kinshasa, including the orphanages COLK and Kimbondo (where Madlen works) which we support as well.

In Prague, Wolfgang gave a talk at the TEDxYouth event organized by the “Open Gate School”. Here is a link to his TED talk, entitled “Change the World with Love” and here is a link to that speech in text format. The talk covers our work in Congo and outlines what Wolfgang believes could bring about the necessary changes in this crisis country. He talks above all about selfless love, the best solution for the problems of our world and our personal lives. Lenka and Anissa gave a presentation about our work in the Congo at the Christian school CESTA in Písek. In the summer, our family recorded a new interview with Munich TV, this time again with Jos.

Image Gallery
291 pupils, 9 teachers, 2 school buildings with 6 big bright classrooms and staff building for director, secretary and teachersLenka presenting our work in Congo at the CESTA school in PisekSign painted at staff building with school name „ITAV ADH de Mabala“Munich TV interview with (left) G. Steinberg, Lenka, Anissa and (right) Jos, Wolfgang, Chr. GriebelWolfgang giving TED talk at Open Gate School in Babice near Prague291 pupils, 9 teachers, 2 school buildings with 6 big bright classrooms and staff building for director, secretary and teachers

Our Annual reports

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