


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
Apr 2023

Interim Report 2023: Photos from the Kongo

Photos from the Congo, Easter 2023


Francois brings food supplies such as oil, rice etc. to the COLK orphanage which we support from time to time


Acacia seedlings in front of our four new classrooms

Students learn how to measure a tree- line for the acacia trees on our field

Plateau de Bateke

Jean’s Micro Finance Project

Jean with sweet potatoes

Harvest of sweet potatoes

His manioc field

First steps of Jean’s Vocational Training Center

Building materials for the construction of a CHICKEN COOP. Making bricks and ...

Nsioni - Congo centrale

Joseph’s Micro Finance Project

Joseph’s fishponds and rice fields

Fresh fish ...

... and drying fish from his ponds

Mother and baby pigs

Building a pigpen

First steps of Joseph’s Vocational Training Center

Joseph’s “repair-shop”

Selected corn for seeds

Iron bars for workshop

Construction of workshop

Article about Joseph and his bread-baking oven


A big THANK YOU for all your support which makes these projects possible.

Let us continue to Change the World with Love,

Wolfgang, Lenka and team

Image Gallery
Joseph’s “repair-shop”Mother and baby pigsBuilding a pigpenIron bars for workshopConstruction of workshopSelected corn for seedsArticle about Joseph and his bread-baking ovenBuilding materials for the construction of a CHICKEN COOP. Making bricks and shopping wood and metal sheets for the roof. Two instructors (right) follow the progress of the work - the woman is responsible for raising laying hens and the man will teach and oversee the farming.Joseph’s fishponds and rice fieldsFresh fish ...... and drying fish from his pondsHarvest of sweet potatoesJean with sweet potatoesHis manioc fieldBuilding materials for the construction of a CHICKEN COOP. Making bricks and shopping wood and metal sheets for the roof. Two instructors (right) follow the progress of the work - the woman is responsible for raising laying hens and the man will teach and oversee the farming.Building materials for the construction of a CHICKEN COOP. Making bricks and shopping wood and metal sheets for the roof. Two instructors (right) follow the progress of the work - the woman is responsible for raising laying hens and the man will teach and oversee the farming.Students learn how to measure a tree-line for the acacia trees on our fieldFrancois brings food supplies such as oil, rice etc. to the COLK orphanage which we support from time to time.Francois brings food supplies such as oil, rice etc. to the COLK orphanage which we support from time to time.Acacia seedlings in front of our four new classroomsAcacia seedlings in front of our four new classrooms

Our Annual reports

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