


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
Here are the main accomplishments from the past year 2016: In February, Wolfgang’s eldest daughter, Angela, came for one month to Congo and went with him to Mushapo. The children enjoyed her youthful and fun approach and had a wonderful time dancing, singing and interacting with her. We brought two sets of soccer jerseys from Germany for them which they appreciated a lot. We visited all 10 classes and were impressed with their enthusiasm in teaching and learning. We also spent time with Robert and his helper Laurent, our foremen and overseers of the construction work. This year they concentrated on progressing with the building of the Health Center, the greatest need for the area right now. Here you can see a video about our time in Mushapo. There is still quite a bit of work in finishing up different construction work for the School and Health Center and setting…


We hope you enjoy this review of our work in Mushapo in the year 2015 and that it makes you feel part of all that got accomplished. >Construction work The second school building walls went up all the way to the roof, the windows and doors were fabricated, put in place and painted and the inside walls were plastered. After this building was completed our whole school operation moved from SADRs farm land to our own school grounds. This happened just in time as the old farm houses, made of wood and clay which were used as temporary school buildings, were in danger of collapsing like all the other farm houses did which didn’t have to get used and kept up. The roof of the third school building was set up, the foundation laid and the walls are almost up to the roof. Cement floors for school buildings one and…


The schooling of the children continued well in 2014 and the school keeps growing. The Primary School now has 414 students who are going to our school free of charge. The people of Mushapo and the surrounding villages asked if we could also start a Secondary School which is running since this school year and has 85 students. Since the villagers know that our means are limited, they offered to pay for the teachers, so they don’t have to send their children to Tshikapa, 65 km away, with no means of transport. It is a Technical Vocational School with emphasis on agricultural training. Our piece of land and Ing. Jean – an expert agronomist with many years of training and experience, even abroad – are the best prerequisites for this school to succeed. These older students also receive Computer classes for which we gave the school another laptop. We also…


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Our Annual reports

 An early focus on the sustainability of a development project is critical to the long-term success!

Our objective – sustainability


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