


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
ADH celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. It has been an exciting journey that took us from Guinea in the year 2000 (photo 1), at the time when Lenka was working in Nigeria (photo 2), through Zambia in 2001 (photo 3), to Cameroon in 2002/2003 (photo 4), and then to the DR Congo, starting in mid-2003 (photo 5), shortly after the big war there. Due to health reasons, we had to spend more than one year in South Africa in 2005/2006 (photo 6), after which we returned to Congo in 2007 (photo 7). In 2011, we shifted the focus of our work to the countryside where the need is much bigger than in the city. From 2011-2016 we built and supported our first school in the interior in Mushapo (photos 8-11). During this time, more than 2000 pupils (photo 12 & 13) received free education in our school, unheard of…


Lockdown in our Mabala School Since March of this year, all schools and universities in the DR Congo are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Just like for the rest of the world, this was a first for the Congo and its population, which was completely unprepared for such an emergency. There is a big difference between Congo’s countryside and the developed world. Without an Internet connection, the teachers and students in Mabala could not continue their education, as many schools in other countries did. A big challenge for our school projects in Congo is that building a school is only the first step. The next step is how to get the school to maintain and sustain itself . In most countries of the world, building a school means that it will function properly as the teachers are either paid by the government as in governmental schools or by the…


Agro-Veterinarian Training in our Mabala High School In September our High School in Mabala started its second year, adding the 9th grade to the 7th and 8th grade we had in the previous school year. The school teaches a total of 286 students, 180 boys, 106 girls – free of charge. Besides the normal subjects of the governmental curriculum, the students started their first practical agricultural and veterinarian training. We are very happy to see the first fruits of the latest agricultural project which is located right next to the school. The students from the agricultural section receive hands-on training in growing different vegetables and peanuts as well as in planting avocado, palm nut and banana trees. The school also built a chicken house and received its first rabbits to teach rabbit breeding. After sowing several crops, the students harvested in November a large quantity of vegetables that the school…


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Our Annual reports

 In order to significantly improve the future prospects of the children (and thus also of their families!) ADH made the facilitation of a proper education and formation of children its goal!

Our objective – to provide education


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