


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
10 years ago we founded a charitable association called Active Direct Help and since then are actively bringing help directly to where it is supposed to go. Here are a few highlights of our activities: 2000: We participated in free medical camps in Nigeria and shipped a container of humanitarian aid to Guinea which we distributed to the refugees of Sierra Leone and Liberia there, as well as to the neediest people in Conakry. 2001: We distributed corn to the most vulnerable people in East Zambia who had lost their crops in a flood and suffered hunger. 2002 - 2003: We shipped our next container to Cameroon and distributed the aid to different institutions in Douala and Yaoundé. We were also able to help the Pygmies who are slowly being forced to settle at the border of the rainforest which is being cut down and thus they are losing their…


The last three years we’ve been working together with Pastor Theophile and his association SABEC and have run a feeding scheme for 100 orphans. We bought two hectares of land for them in Mokali and planted different fruit trees and around 700 pineapple plants which are growing well there. Since almost two years we are also sponsoring the schooling for those children who did not go to school yet. This project started as a joint venture together with our partners. Since about one year, as we were planning to build a school for the orphans, it became clear that they wanted to work more and more independent from us. We realized that it was time to turn things over slowly to them and help them stand on their own feet. P. Theophile said: “It is good for us or we will fall asleep”. Turning over our first project He also…


First we would like to share with you three great ideas some of you had of how to raise funds for our work here.. Wolfgang’s sister Annette is a teacher in an elementary school and her two classes support four of our orphans since a few years already. Now the school wanted to do something more for them and organized a “sponsorship-run” for all students. The teachers and local volunteers helped with the organization, the bakery and butchery of the village donated snacks, and the brave students gave their all on that day. Before the run they asked their relatives and friends if they would want to donate a certain amount of money per kilometer they would run and the result was phenomenal, way more than anybody expected, over 6000 Euros! Even the local newspaper gave a beautiful tribute to these little heroes! Since it is so difficult to reach…


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Our Annual reports

 In order to significantly improve the future prospects of the children (and thus also of their families!) ADH made the facilitation of a proper education and formation of children its goal!

Our objective – to provide education


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