
Team and Helpers

We are ADH - The members of “Aktive Direkt Hilfe e.V.“ in Germany and the Congolese organization “ADH Congo ASBL” would like to share with you their reasons to voluntarily work in the Congo.

Jens Ottinger (ADH e. V. - chairman, web administrator)

Jens Ottinger (ADH e. V. - chairman, web administrator)

At the beginning of 2011, I accompanied Wolfgang and Lenka Schmidt to Mushapo. It is sad and fascinating at the same time how the people there (have to) manage their daily life with the simplest means and creativity. I became aware of how unimportant material things can be in our western civilization. As a student, I had the possibility to spend a lot of time to create the new websites of ADH. When I have seen the wild area in early 2011 on which in the meantime school buildings have been erected, I realized how important such micro-projects in rural areas are for the sustainable improvement of local living conditions. ADH engages at a point where other aid ends and that is exactly what makes the work of this organization worth to support. One life, one child, one village. It makes a big difference – in our world. (Jens Ottinger - chairman & web administrator)

Melanie Ottinger (ADH e. V. - chairwoman, treasurer)

Melanie Ottinger (ADH e. V. - chairwoman, treasurer)

After graduating from high school in 2010, I took a year to meet new countries and people. I spent several months in Italy, the Congo, Hong Kong and China. This time has moved, changed and enriched me with many experiences. I was particularly clear how well we are in Germany and how much luck and privilege I had to grow up the way I grew up. I admire Wolfgang and Lenka's inexhaustible commitment and selfless work for the world's poorest. With my work for the association I want to do my part to give the people of Congo the opportunity for a better life by helping them to help themselves. (Melanie Ottinger - chairwoman & administration and accounting)

Jos Voorn (ADH e. V. - member)

Jos Voorn (ADH e. V. - member)

"I work together with ADH in the Congo because I think that the current project in Mushapo for instance is a project worth supporting and one which will have a positive and long-lasting influence especially on the lives of the children who will benefit from it. It also gives a good feeling to know, that I work with a diligent team that prefixes integrity in all its actions." (Jos Voorn - initiator in the Congo)

Tereza Koňasová (ADH e. V. - Member)

Tereza Koňasová (ADH e. V. - Member)

Most young people have no clue what is happening in countries like the Congo. We live in our own world. Dealing with problems that are often silly and unimportant compared to those people in the Congo face. We have eyes, but we cannot see. We can’t even imagine the weight of the real world. I was lucky to grow up with role models like Lenka and Wolfgang Schmidt. They helped me to realize what really matters in this life. Helping others, sharing love with them, making a difference. Now, I want to be the one who opens the eyes of others. (Tereza Koňasová - Member of ADH e. V.)

Prof. André Kapanga (ADH Congo Asbl - member)

Prof. André Kapanga (ADH Congo Asbl - member)

"It was a wonderful experience to encounter Wolfgang and Lenka. They showed me how someone can sacrifice his or her life to improve the lives of others. Their urge to improve education for those who have virtually nothing is an inspiration for all of us." (Prof. André Kapanga - former ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo at the UN in New York)

Gilbert Nkuli Yen Yengani (ADH Congo Asbl - chairman)

Gilbert Nkuli Yen Yengani (ADH Congo Asbl - chairman)

"It was very challenging for me to see that people would come from afar to help my own people while I knew that also I could do something. Therefore, I decided to support ADH at first and to join the team afterwards. ADH restores believe, hope and love - the true image of Jesus Christ." (Gilbert Nkuli Yen Yengani - C.E.O. of G.H. Investment Sprl.)

Wolfgang Schmidt (ADH e. V. - chairman; ADH Congo Asbl - chairman)

Wolfgang Schmidt (ADH e. V. - chairman; ADH Congo Asbl - chairman)

"When I was a young man I didn’t see hope for this world. Then I experienced true love and my life changed completely. Now I only want to help others to experience the same. It pulls me to places and people which are abandoned and suffer the most. It is heartbreaking to see how people in the 21st century live under such poor conditions and so I try everything I can to improve their situation. In the heartland of the Congo the people simply lack the essentials of life and I believe that with the help of good education and agriculture things there could change. I put all my energy in the projects of ADH, in order that thereby at least a small part of this world can change."(Wolfgang Schmidt - initiator in the Congo)

Prof. François Mishaam Mpona-Minga (ADH Congo Asbl - member)

Prof. François Mishaam Mpona-Minga (ADH Congo Asbl - member)

"To give poor people a testimony of faith is one of the greatest challenges for Christians in this postmodern time. Here, ADH has a fair share. We as Christians have the important task to be a testimony of love in our country. The work of ADH is a convincing example to the Congolese Christians to act more thoughtfully. Jesus has to play a greater role in their way of living. How can we foster the influence in this big country? The work of ADH seems to be a good answer to this question. All of these are good reasons why I like to work together with ADH and support it." (Prof. François Mishaam Mpona-Minga - professor at the University of Kinshasa, Congo)

Andreas Bödeker (ADH e. V. - Member)

Andreas Bödeker (ADH e. V. - Member)

I follow and support Wolfgang and Lenka as well as the whole team of ADH Congo for already many years. I’m always again impressed with their conviction and great effort to help people and children in need. Wolfgang keeps us continuously informed about any progress with reports and videos. Hereby, I can assure that my financial support is directly translated into deeds on-site. I am now a member of ADH e. V. to get me even more involved in the association's projects. (Andreas Bödeker - Member of ADH e. V.)

Lenka Schmidt (ADH e. V. - member; ADH Congo Asbl - chairwoman)

Lenka Schmidt (ADH e. V. - member; ADH Congo Asbl - chairwoman)

"I like helping other people and so I work with “Aktive Direkt Hilfe e.V.” and “ADH Congo”. My goal is to provide an opportunity for education to the children in the heartland of the Congo which they otherwise would not have. I want to make an example that you can change something even where it seems hopeless. Apart from physical help I want to assist the people to lead a fulfilled inner life. I have experienced that when you give love to others this love will return to you. So, I try to inspire others to live this principle and to find more joy in their own lives." (Lenka Schmidt - organization & fundraising)

 Kinshasa is expanding everywhere as the country's fugitives settle there in hope of a better life. But instead; the problems in the city grow!

De-urbanization - Help for the villages


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