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'Why do you support ADH?'
This question we have asked some of our supporters. The answers we'd like to share with you:

Josef Schiele (veterinarian; Rosenheim, Germany)

Josef Schiele (veterinarian; Rosenheim, Germany)

We are very grateful that our three children have various educational opportunities. Therefore, it is our concern to assist other children in Africa to get an education through our donations. Lenka and Wolfgang (ADH) do important work on-site and are involved wholeheartedly and with all their potential in the Congo. It is important for us that our support reaches the people that depend on it directly. As we get constantly informed about the projects and the challenges of the Schmidt family (ADH) we know that our donations to “Aktive Direkt Hilfe” are well invested.

Michael Singer (student; Graz, Austria)

Michael Singer (student; Graz, Austria)

In 2013, I first heard of ADH in a report on the Mushapo project in German television. In the past few years, I have constantly looked in vain for an aid organization that provides active and direct help for the people in need. The way ADH manages its school education and agriculture project in an isolated village in the Congo’s heartland has finally raised my attention. In the course of my diploma thesis, I have gained first experience in project management during an integrated water resource management project in Indonesia. There, I have learnt that in particular financially bloated projects easily threat to fail if the involved parties underestimate the importance of the acceptance and support of the local population. My current studies center sustainability, a term that is sometimes addressed insufficiently in international aid projects. Their focus may lie on short or midterm success and, for instance, pursue the implementation of certain technical solutions. The societal and cultural aspects are not always equally considered. To my understanding, ADH takes various aspects of sustainability into account and purposely emphasizes constant involvement of the local population. This leads to a long-term success of the organization’s projects. These reasons assured me to actively support ADH. Since February 2014, I translate content of ADH Congo’s new website to English so that the organization can reach more people worldwide and inspire them through its vision.

Margot Fauchon (translator); Ulrike Höger (accountant); Erika Bauer (active worker for humanitarian aid)

Margot Fauchon (translator); Ulrike Höger (accountant); Erika Bauer (active worker for humanitarian aid)

We know and appreciate Lenka and Wolfgang (ADH) for almost 20 years. The different projects they initiated all succeeded which could only be accomplished by personal commitment on-site. We are amazed by their love and passion for this big project and particularly on their emphasis on transparency and personal contact with their supporters. The money is granted directly to the needy and there are almost no expenses for administration which we also think is very important.

Dr. Andrej Berg (Berlin, Germany)

Dr. Andrej Berg (Berlin, Germany)

To render humanitarian aid in a foreign country requires a lot of courage and sacrifice. I have deep respect for this. The members of the organization “Aktive Direkt Hilfe” work together with the locals and can therefore focus on the most urgent problems in order to gradually improve the local living conditions. This has convinced me because I have the opinion that sustainable change develops best in small-scale to eventually merge into a big picture. These are only a few reasons out of which I support ADH.

Thomas Krapfl jun. (Traunstein, Germany)

Thomas Krapfl jun. (Traunstein, Germany)

In the summer of 2013 I had the opportunity to attend the work of the organization “Aktive Direkt Hilfe” in the Congo directly on-site for three weeks. The Congo as a country as well as the situation there are unimaginable for Europeans. Kinshasa, Tshikapa and the remote village of Mushapo close to the border of Angola are three very distinct places. I was moved by all of them in different ways. To describe in detail what the people especially in Mushapo are lacking would probably fill entire books. With its work as a non-profit organization in the Congo, ADH engages there, where (also in my opinion) is most hope - in the children. The work and especially the self-sacrificing manner of ADH’s team in the heartland of the Congo - for the project and the children - impressed me a lot.

Barbora Bártíková, (PR manager; translator of some of the articles on this website, Prague, Czech Republic)

Barbora Bártíková, (PR manager; translator of some of the articles on this website, Prague, Czech Republic)

I met Lenka, and got to know the work of the whole team, by chance in my former job, when Lenka approached us with a request for donation of some home appliances that the association needed. Since then I faithfully follow all the news from Congo, support the whole team and I rejoice in all successes that they achieve thanks to their incredible commitment. Giving a little bit of my time is the least I can do to help this beautiful and meritorious project.

Magdalena Brychcínová (maternity leave, translator of some of the articles on this website; Prague, Czech Republic)

Magdalena Brychcínová (maternity leave, translator of some of the articles on this website; Prague, Czech Republic)

I met Lenka „by accident“ several years ago on one of the playgrounds in the neighborhood. Since that time, I´ve been fascinated by the life and work of the whole family Schmidt. In our world, where the evil sometimes seems to prevail, it is a great relief to see how - thanks to them - a little part of this world is being changed into a better place. In our milieu, which doesn´t understand or accepts religion, it is such a relief to see the testimony of real life of faith. Even though I personally do not have enough courage for such work, I am happy that I can at least support them a bit.

Torsten Kiener (hotel manager of Mercure Hotels; Munich, Germany)

Torsten Kiener (hotel manager of Mercure Hotels; Munich, Germany)

As an hotelier in a major city, I’m confronted daily with our excessive consumption society with high quality demands. In our world we forget how people elsewhere struggle to have their basic needs met. How could we not? We daily stand in front of never empty shelves in the supermarket. If it doesn’t immediately affect us we close our eyes at any suffering we see. In order to counteract this process all of us who are able to give should donate for the ones in need. Then the misery on our earth would diminish. And because trust, faith in God and justice are important factors for me I’ve found in Lenka and Wolfgang (ADH) just the right people and I’m glad to help them as much as possible.

Peter Fries (general manager of a media company; Ingelheim; Germany)

Peter Fries (general manager of a media company; Ingelheim; Germany)

Funny how life sometimes is - eventually people meet. Faith in God, love, trust and confidence. Since many years I know about the work of ADH. These challenges are not taking place on a foreign planet but on this one, our world – just in another country on another continent. Even though my life takes place here in Germany I can support ADH directly on-site and without any detours – even if it is only a small contribution compared to the enormous task. But here also the principle applies – any help helps.

Andrea und Franz Gößlbauer (gas station operator; Laakirchen, Austria)

Andrea und Franz Gößlbauer (gas station operator; Laakirchen, Austria)

We know Wolfgang (ADH) already since 1996. We admire how he is committed to the people in need in different countries. For us it is important that the needy benefit directly from donations and that the latter doesn’t drain away in administrative organization. We wish Wolfgang and his team all the best and continued strength.

Aurelia Padubrin (retired saleswoman)

Aurelia Padubrin (retired saleswoman)

I support the Schmidt family (ADH) since 1996 when they were still helping in Slovakia. I also greatly endorse their new projects in Africa. I always feel to be directly involved by receiving their reports. And in contrary to other aid organizations, you know immediately what happens to your donations.

 ADH tries to counter the progressive urbanization in the Congo!

Our objective – to counter urbanization


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