


Avec nos rapports annuels, nous donnons chaque année, depuis 2000, un aperçu de l'état d'avancement de nos projets. En plus des rapports de synthèse pour le projet actuel, cette catégorie comprend également des projets déjà achevés. Ainsi, la carrière de la „Active Direkt Hilfe“ est tracée en Afrique. Pour notre projet actuel, nous publions régulièrement les derniers développements en détail.

Rapports annuels
Aoû 2019

Rapport intermédiaire 2019

Mabala School and Agricultural Project

Mabala School Visit

When Wolfgang arrived at the airport in Nioki, he was greeted by Nioki’s mayor, Mr. Mario, Mama Annie, members of BBK (our partner organization), as well as by teachers and students of our school. The lively local music, the songs and a big banner was their way of expressing their appreciation for this new school. He was especially touched by the heartfelt gift of the students, an artificial bonsai tree.

At the school grounds, 290 pupils, 11 teachers and school Principal Philemon presented beautiful songs, poems and lines the students had learned in French and some even in English.

Our Agro Veterinary School “ITAV ADH Mabala” is officially registered as a governmental school. As is the case with such new schools in Congo, the government is not paying anything to support the school or the teachers. Instead, we not only pay the teachers’ salaries, but on top of that even have to pay taxes for them.

Maize Multiplication Project

To help the poor farmers in the surrounding villages of the Kutu region, we are encouraging maize plantations. You may remember that we brought 500 kg of maize to Mabala 2 years ago. It took a long time for this project to take root, but after we offered the farmers to buy the maize from them, they were encouraged to grow more. Now they even sell the maize to traders who ship it to Kinshasa and sell it there.

We hired agronomist Alain, a young, energetic farmer, to oversee this project. We also gave him money to collect the first 5 tons of maize and bring them to the Fimi River. From there it goes via the Kasai River to the Congo River until Kinshasa, where BBK members will sell it and use the income to support the school. All this is still a pioneer effort and we will have to see how it works out.

Jean’s Agricultural Project

Last year we launched our first Micro Financing Project. We gave a loan to Jean so he could plant sweet potatoes and manioc in the Plateau de Bateke, east of Kinshasa. Here is his report: “The microfinance project received from A.D.H. is a blessing despite some difficulties encountered in the first year. With the results we were able to buy 5 ha of land where we will plant sweet potatoes in September, to be harvested in January 2020.”

Mushapo and Tshikapa Schools

Gilbert and Francois keep in touch with the school directors of our schools in Tshikapa and Mushapo. Some of you know that the fighting in Kasai 2 years ago caused the Tshokwe tribe to chase all other tribes out of the Mushapo area. This split our Mushapo School in two. The majority of the people, students and teachers had to flee to Tshikapa where they now rent an existing school building in which they teach our pupils in the afternoon. The Tshokwe tribe, which remained in Mushapo, uses our school buildings to teach their children. We continue to support the school in Tshikapa from time to time as these people had to flee and start with nothing and have a hard time to make ends meet.


On top of the regular meetings with ADH Congo and BBK members, Wolfgang had a chance to meet again with Madlen, who continues to faithfully care for the orphans in the Kimbondo orphanage. With the help of one of her influential friends, she hopes to be able to soon start building a school for the small children in her care. Healthwise she is doing relatively well considering her constant fight against cancer. ADH supports Madlen as we see what an important and excellent work she is doing with the orphans.

The COLK orphanage was very thankful for our yearly support. Mama Monique and Mama Jeanette do their best for the 90 orphans in this extremely poor section of town.

Czech Republic

Lenka has created a new Czech website on which she has published inspiring, spiritually strengthening material – it is called “Spiritual Spa”.

In June, Wolfgang gave a speech in Prague for people from the Brumlovka Business Center. He was asked to give a speech along the line of his TEDx Talk “Change the World with Love”.

Work on his book continues and is nearing the final stages. He is adding photos to make the book more attractive and we are still looking for a publisher to reach as many people as possible with this multi faceted story of how to change our needy world with love.

We hope you enjoy our new video with footage from the recent visit to Mabala and the farmers in that area

A big Thank You for your support which made it all possible.

Galerie photos
The maize is filled into bags of up to 120 kg each„Change the World with Love“ speech290 pupils presented lively local songs, poems and lines in French and even some in EnglishPupils of our school in Tshikapa in rented premisesDirector Pierre and our teachers in Tshikapa290 pupils presented lively local songs, poems and lines in French and even some in Englishn Congo, Wolfgang flew to the interior of the countryside to visit our school project there and arrived at the tiny airport of the nearby town where a big group of people waited for somebody – with music, songs, a big banner and all fanfare which is usually organized for an important local politician. Wolfgang asked his friends who received him at the airport “Who is all this for?” They responded: „This is for you!“...with Gilbert and BBK members in KinshasaJean’s manioc: after the harvest, it is first peeled...Wolfg. and Mama Annie with hard working farmerWolfgang leaving Kinshasa en route to NiokiWith Mrs. Roth and the German Ambassador...After being greeted by the mayor of town and members of our partner organization, suddenly two pupils from our school approached him and gave him the a plastic bonsai tree. It was a token of their appreciation for the school we built for them and that they can attend school free of charge, something unheard of in Congo because normally all students there have to pay for their tuition.Footballs and jerseys for the pupils - with Mama Annie & Nioki‘s mayor, Mr. MarioThe maize is shipped on 3 different rivers to Kinshasa - Locally fabricated boats for people & goodsMadlen and the orphans in the Kimbondo orphanageMadlen and the orphans in the Kimbondo orphanage... and finally dried on these kind of drying racks...then soaked for 3 days to get rid of the acid...Drying the maize for longer preservationWolfgang with agronomist Alain in Lebama’s fields

Nos Rapports annuels

  Notre projet est un énorme encouragement pour les gens de Mushapo et les villages environnants, car une bonne éducation est le gage d’un meilleur avenir pour leurs enfants.

314 élèves, 4 villages, 10 salles de classe, 10 enseignants


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