


Avec nos rapports annuels, nous donnons chaque année, depuis 2000, un aperçu de l'état d'avancement de nos projets. En plus des rapports de synthèse pour le projet actuel, cette catégorie comprend également des projets déjà achevés. Ainsi, la carrière de la „Active Direkt Hilfe“ est tracée en Afrique. Pour notre projet actuel, nous publions régulièrement les derniers développements en détail.

Rapports annuels
Mar 2006

Preparations for Congo and Visiting Local Schools

What all goes into a visit to the Congo, DRC? Certainly more than would be expected! In order to accomplish more we were looking for a 4-man team, including French speakers since we are still learning the language. Angela came all the way from Germany to join us for this special occasion as well as Esther, one of our co-workers from the Cape Town area.

Then we needed more financing to be a bigger help to the great need in the Congo. One of our faithful friends in Europe got his business partners in South Africa to meet us. They were touched by our project and together gave us a very generous donation and are sponsoring our tickets. With their help we can get so much more done there. God bless them as well as all of you who are helping us in this project and we know He will as He promised in His word: “He that has pity upon the poor lends unto the Lord; and that which he has given will he pay him again” Pro. 19:17.

Thank God we could also find somebody in Kinshasa who is willing to give us a place to stay where we can even cook, which is a real blessing since food and lodging are both very expensive there. At the same time we were looking for a way to get literature into the country, especially the “Activated” magazines, the first 9 issues of which contain a basic foundation course for Christians, and a few other issues with helpful articles on up-to-date questions of life. We are looking for a way to get these in on a regular basis and that has to be a miracle to get around very high transport, customs and handling charges. The Lord is good and finally opened a door for us. We would like to ask you to keep this in your prayers as well as the whole project, especially for peaceful elections in June, their first ever since Congo’s independence, so that they can live in peace and the economy gets going to make it easier for people to find jobs and survive. Thank you very much!

The goal for our trip, the two main objectives: 1. we would like to help the children’s Home in Kisenso with some immediate food supplies and hopefully find a way to grow food themselves so that they can cover at least some of their basic needs by themselves. 2. Strengthen our group of Bible students so that they can continue to carry on the work we started there in 2004 and help spread the message in the Congo as far and wide as possible.

In the meantime our local work here grew and we found it especially inspiring and fruitful to get out faith and character building educational materials in the schools, which was developed by our colleagues especially for Africa and is getting very good responses. At the same time we had the chance to share the message of God’s love and salvation, especially now for the Easter time, with over 2000 children and we invited them to our special little prayer which we like to pray with people everywhere (see the prayer at the end of the attachment “What is Easter”).  This is still possible here in a predominantly Christian country with not just nominal but active Christians.

The projects of our local mission continued well with supplying regular food for the soup kitchen and giving free eye check ups in the settlement schools and finding sponsors for those kids who need glasses.

Thank you for all your help and prayers, which we need for our ongoing projects especially now for this coming trip to the Congo. We pray for you too and wish you all a very HAPPY EASTER time remembering the greatest victory of all times which came out of a seeming defeat.

Galerie photos
The poor but sweet children of Lwandle really enjoyed Angela and our visit at their school.lwandle huts with dirt 30.03.06.jpg...one of the many settlements in the Cape Town area,......God loves them all.Wolfgang presents Easter Story (a teacher translates into Xhosa) and prays with the children in a Primary School in the settlement Lwandle.Lwandle,...lwandle big hut and street 30.03.06.jpg...where the poor and rich...We share the Good News and our special prayer with all children, rich and poor...Wolfgang introduces our school materials....live right next to each other.

Nos Rapports annuels

  Nous aimerions donner un exemple positif aux autres organismes et les encourager à s’engager aussi à l'intérieur du pays.

Notre objectif - pour contrer l'urbanisation


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