


Avec nos rapports annuels, nous donnons chaque année, depuis 2000, un aperçu de l'état d'avancement de nos projets. En plus des rapports de synthèse pour le projet actuel, cette catégorie comprend également des projets déjà achevés. Ainsi, la carrière de la „Active Direkt Hilfe“ est tracée en Afrique. Pour notre projet actuel, nous publions régulièrement les derniers développements en détail.

Rapports annuels
Mai 2005

New „Consider the Poor” Projects

After we left Congo in December we wanted to take the opportunity to get a good checkup for Lenka in Germany as she had not recovered well from her operation in May. To our surprise we found out that she needed another operation in her abdomen. As difficult as this news was for us, we were very thankful for this opportunity and that everything went well.

Lenka who already had several operations in her childhood was now quite weakened and we needed to find a mission field which is not quite as taxing as Africa, so she could heal up better. Friends of ours in Veracruz, Mexico, asked us to help them in their mission work. We accepted this offer and joined them two months ago and are happy to be here as there is a lot to do.

Another change is that the office of our association moved from Datteln to Rheurdt. Near Rheurdt happens to be an association with exactly the same name as ours, only spelled a little differently. To avoid mix-ups and to include our increased sphere of operation we changed the name of our association to "Aktive Direkt Hilfe e.V." (Active Direct Help).

Some of you asked us if we are still doing humanitarian aid work. Since this is part of the goals of our association as are the support of children and youth and the dissemination of educational materials according to the Christian faith we will continue to do all this. The only difference is that instead of the complicated and expensive container ministry we opted for different local projects, some of which are explained here.

The team in Veracruz has a few projects running, which we wanted to start in Africa in a similar way. Once a month i.e. we visit sick children in the hospitals. First we give a little clown show to cheer up the children who enjoy it tremendously. Then we go from bed to bed to all those who are too sick to attend the show. Everybody receives a tract to read and often personal conversations start up with the relatives of the children which are almost always there for a visit. We offer all who want to receive Jesus in their heart to pray with us and we pray for their healing. They are very thankful for this and appreciate all the encouragement, inspiration, love etc. they can get.

Another project which we were planning to do in Africa and which we want to support here is the distribution of educationally valuable books to poor families, who don't have enough money to send their children to school. Every child should get a chance to at least learn reading and receive as much education as possible.

It's amazing to see how the gap between rich and poor continues to grow everywhere especially in poor countries, where on top of it there is no social help. If you leave the center of Veracruz and go to the outskirts or into the countryside, you can quickly see where there are people in need. Every week we are picking up food items and groceries from different sponsors and bring them to the poor in their shacks since they have a hard time managing on their own.

We also go to the universities or the beach and wherever we can meet people and talk with them about questions they have about their lives. Most everybody here is very open to God and people from all walks of life are thankful for a listening ear and answers from His word. We invite them also to our weekly bible study, where Lenka can be more active.

Although all this keeps us very busy, we continue to stay in contact with our friends in Congo by email and see how we can help them. They are very thankful for the spiritually feeding materials we are sending them regularly and are asking us for more Activated magazines to distribute there. We are looking for the best way of supplying them with these materials. Please continue to pray with us for the peace there, especially that everything goes well with their first elections coming up this year. We would also appreciate your prayers for Lenka to heal up soon and well so we can go back to our beloved Africa.

Galerie photos
Wolfgang visiting the children’s ward in the local hospital.Our team at the last book distribution to poor families in Veracruz.„Dr. Clown“ Cephas and Wolfgang praying for a sick boy with his grandfather.Lenka with three of our happy visitors at a bible study in our home.

Nos Rapports annuels

  La plus grande récompense que j’ai eue, c’était quand un matin je me suis trouvé devant l'école et que tous les enfants ont chanté de tout cœur des chansons merveilleuses, en témoignage de leur gratitude.

Notre école est en croissance - maintenant 150 élèves


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