


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
We hope you are well and we wish you a nice and warm springtime. Here in Douala - the commercial capital and biggest city in Cameroon, with over two million people, it’s hot and humid! It has been a long time plan for us to open up a base in this exciting new field and now our dream has become a reality. While the majority of the photos in this letter show the last distribution of maize in Zambia, we wanted to share with you the amazing things the Lord did for us in a place where we didn't know anybody. After only a few weeks, the Lord helped us to find a completely furnished apartment with relatively good security. A real miracle and special blessing, since we only arrived with and live out of our suitcases. In a short time, He has opened so many doors for us, that…


After three months of preparation we were able to finally order the container and pick it up from the harbor after only one week. Everyone who heard about it, said that they never saw a container leave the harbor of Conakry as easily as this one. Most people have to pay high fees to all sorts of officials; containers are sometimes stuck for four to six months. We could only thank God, that He answered all your and our prayers! The distribution, which we had also planned and prepared in those months, started right away. As was arranged in a last meeting with the UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees), we drove with their truck and jeep to Forekariah, where in three camps about 30.000 refugees from Sierra Leone and Liberia live. At the moment there is security-level 4 because of the recent rebel-attacks. Even the UN-members have to return…


As I disembarked from the airplane, inhaled the thick, moist monsoon air, observed the small airport and the simply dressed local people and picked up our soaked-through suitcases, I felt as though after many years I had finally arrived home again. Such poverty, so much to be done, so many precious people. It reminded me a lot of our time in India. Before going on I would like to write about what happened in the months before we came here. First of all, a sincere Thank You to all who helped us with contributions and the many preparations in order to get our first container for Africa ready: good storage places, more materials than ever before, new and old friends who helped us with lodging and food, the use of their telephone, fax, e-mail, the reloading of 67 cubic meters of material into the temporary storage etc. Our so far…


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Our Annual reports

 Child labor is a great obstacle for a lasting and meaningful education.

Our objective – to provide education


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