

School Construction
School Construction

School Construction

Until the start of our school project in early 2011, the village of Mushapo did not have their own school. To spare the children their daily long walk to neighboring villages and in order that more children can get a good education, ADH made the realization of a school project in Mushapo its goal. The school project is meant to last: Several school buildings with bright spacious classrooms of solid, durable materials should guarantee a permanent school operation no matter what the weather conditions. In addition, important new jobs will be created in the rural area by building schools and the operation thereof.

Jan 2023

ADH has two new promising projects in the pipeline

Our plan for 2023 is to build two Vocational Training Centers in two different locations, fulfilling a long-time dream! We are planning to train young adults from each of these areas in a one-year course to learn a trade along the lines of agriculture, including animal husbandry, fish farming, beekeeping etc. At the end of their training, each graduate will receive a package with seeds, possibly a baby animal, and – thus equipped – will return to their village to open up their own workplace with what they have learned in our Centers. One project will be overseen by Jean who has been our local project manager since 2011. The Center will be located east of Kinshasa, on the Plateau de Bateke. The other project will be headed by Joseph, whom we have known since the beginning of our activities in the Congo in 2003. This Center will be located in Nsioni, almost 500 km west of Kinshasa, towards the Atlantic Ocean. Both men have done well with our recent microfinance projects, which gives us confidence that these two new projects should work out satisfactorily as well.
ADH has two new promising projects in the pipeline
Nov 2022

Building the last classrooms in Mabala - a community project

Our school in Mabala will soon be independent from us! We have already built eight classrooms, but the school needs a total of six classrooms for the agricultural section and six classrooms for the veterinary section. So, we needed four more! With gratitude and vision, the parents of the students took initiative once again and organized the production of thousands of new bricks. The funding of the roof, windows, doors, and cement for the walls, floors and patio came from ADH and ERA CONGO, a company operating in forest conservation in the area. It’s the same company which supported the planting of our school’s palm trees last year.
Building the last classrooms in Mabala - a community project
Jun 2022

Waiting for the state to take over the financing of school operations

Thanks to your faithful support, all the students in our Agro-Veterinary School in Mabala keep receiving their education and training. So far, the Congolese Ministry of Education does not pay any teachers in new secondary schools like ours. However, since we want to give our students the opportunity to attend our school free of charge, we continue to pay the teachers’ salaries ourselves. Once the state takes over with that, we can start another project. We appreciate your help so we can keep the school running and give the students a better chance for their future.
Waiting for the state to take over the financing of school operations
Dec 2021

New building with two more classrooms and staff room

After building a well for drinking water for our school by the middle of this year, the parents of our students initiated and supported the making of 10,000 bricks for another school building. In 2018, our school started out with three classrooms each for grade 7 and 8. Each year, we added new grades, and this school year we needed 2 more classrooms for the agricultural and veterinarian section of grade 11. Besides the bricks, we needed wood and corrugated metal sheets for the roof, windows, doors and cement for the protection of the walls against rain as well as for the floors and outside patios. ADH contributed the needed finances to purchase these items and paid the workers. The work went well and now everybody is very thankful for the two new classrooms as well as a new room for the teachers.
New building with two more classrooms and staff room
Jul 2021

Our school in Mabala gets a well for drinking water supply

A great victory is the building of a well for drinking water for the school children as well as for watering the school’s agricultural projects. Mr. Shako, a well specialist, came with his team all the way from Mbandaka, 670 km north of Nioki, for this task. They found water at a depth of 7 meters, but they continued to dig to 10 meters so that the school would have water in all seasons. Both the school and the population of Mabala are very grateful for the drinking water supply.
Our school in Mabala gets a well for drinking water supply
Oct 2019

Construction of a henhouse at the school in Mabala

A henhouse was built on the school grounds in Mabala, which is connected to the lessons of the agro-veterinary school. With it, chicken breeding can begin.
Construction of a henhouse at the school in Mabala
Sep 2019

New toilets on the school grounds

We also built four new toilet cabins next to the school, as the old ones were only temporary.
New toilets on the school grounds
Sep 2018

Opening of “ADH Agro-Veterinary School of Mabala”

Our two new schoolbuildings, with three big classrooms each, and the office building for the director and teachers are finished enough, that the school could still start in this year. This is an amazing accomplishment of the last 5 months, especially under the difficult circumstances in the remote interior of the country, and we are very thankful for everybody’s wholehearted participation! The school is called ITAV-ADH Mabala; ITAV stands for Institute Technique Agro-Veterinaire. (Picture: Some of the 260 pupils in our school, incl.15 Pygmy children)
Opening of “ADH Agro-Veterinary School of Mabala”

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 Rather than giving a fish, teach people to fish for themselves - helping people to help themselves.

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