

School Construction
School Construction

School Construction

Until the start of our school project in early 2011, the village of Mushapo did not have their own school. To spare the children their daily long walk to neighboring villages and in order that more children can get a good education, ADH made the realization of a school project in Mushapo its goal. The school project is meant to last: Several school buildings with bright spacious classrooms of solid, durable materials should guarantee a permanent school operation no matter what the weather conditions. In addition, important new jobs will be created in the rural area by building schools and the operation thereof.

Jun 2012

Fundraising Tour in Europe

To raise support for our school project, we travel through Germany and the Czech Republic. The first building is already funded and is still under construction. To help us seamlessly start with the construction of the second school building, we aim to quickly find the necessary support for it. In order to expand our circle of supporters, we asked Jens and Sergio (two students from Germany) to make a preliminary website about our work in the Congo. A television interview with Munich TV helps to promote our school project in the Congo.
Fundraising Tour in Europe
Apr 2012

The foundation is finished

The foundation has been laid. The trenches were neatly filled with bricks stacked on top of each other and sealed with cement to form a solid wall. Iron bars were placed where the supporting pillars will come. The foundation reaches about 30 cm from the floor. At different places recesses are left where later the doors will come.  
The foundation is finished
Mar 2012

We take care of financing - SADR overlooks the construction

We leave Mushapo and make a quick stop in Kinshasa before going back to Europe. Here we try to get support for the construction of additional school buildings. To oversee the construction of our current building we have hired Jean, whom we thus can provide with a little extra income since the work with SADR is currently somewhat declined. SADR has gotten into financial difficulties because the markets are not doing as well as they had expected.
We take care of financing - SADR overlooks the construction
Feb 2012

Cement in Angola - We grab our chance

In order to begin laying the foundation of the school, we still need cement. Since the cement in Tshikapa is still too expensive, we buy the cement in neighboring Angola. Jean got a good price for us there. With an old truck, SADR employees bring the cement from Angola to Mushapo. The journey of about 200 kilometers round trip took 3 days, due to the poor conditions of the “roads” in the rainy season.
Cement in Angola - We grab our chance
Jan 2012

Foundation trench dug

Jean, the manager of the farm, whom we also have picked as our construction manager, organized a team of masons and started with his team to bring sand, gravel and water to the construction site where they began the work. Our school is being built on a firm foundation with solid walls and a rainproof roof. To strengthen the structure of the building first trenches for the foundations of the walls were dug.
Foundation trench dug
Dec 2011

Preparations for the construction of the schools are almost complete

By now we have almost all building materials so that we can soon begin with building. Bricks for the walls and the doors and windows are made in Mushapo itself. Other materials such as iron rods for the foundation and the pillars, support beams and wooden slats for the framework, nails and corrugated iron for the roof were purchased in Tshikapa and transported to Mushapo. They are safely stored on the farm. We're just waiting for the right time to buy the cement because it is too expensive at the moment.
Preparations for the construction of the schools are almost complete
Nov 2011

Other materials are prepared

The preparations for the construction of the school building are in full swing. The materials are purchased and brought to Mushapo or manufactured. The SADR farm supports us with the purchase of construction materials, so that we can get them for good prices. Furthermore, SADR supports us with logistics like helping us with transporting the materials from Tshikapa to Mushapo. We also found some new supporters in the Congo, which will later help us with transporting the necessary furnishings for the School from Kinshasa to Mushapo.
Other materials are prepared
Oct 2011

The location of the school buildings is determined

The exact location is now fixed for good. We decide to build a school in a central location. In order to shorten the distance for the children of the neighboring villages Kakondo and Kamupafu, the school building will be build 200 meters southeast of Mushapo. In this part of our nine hectares of land we prepare the ground for the construction of the school by clearing the trees, shrubs and elephant grass.  
The location of the school buildings is determined

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 ADH has the providing of a good school education as its central goal!

Our objective – to provide education


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