



With the school project in Mushapo ADH wants to ensure a good education for the students in order to give them and the village a better future. ADH offers the schooling for free, so that also children from poorer families can attend the school. With a proper teaching staff ADH tries to establish a good teacher ratio, so that the children can be treated according to their needs. The curriculum of the officially recognized school is based on national guidelines, but already in the first grade, the language is French.

Nov 2013

More Pupils, Lack of Teachers and a new School Principal

For this school year, we were counting on 180 pupils. But because the local people in the surrounding villages saw our progress, they also wanted to send their children to our school. Even though we tried to limit the number of students, it was impossible. We are now having six classes with 314 pupils from Mushapo and the surrounding villages of Kakondo, Shamubenzi and Kamupafu. The school committee is counselling about this unexpected situation. We will have to expand the school with added competent teachers in order to ensure quality lessons. The committee also decided to dismiss our school principal, his work had been inadequate for some time. Fortunately, we have found a good replacement, already confirmed by the committee.
More Pupils, Lack of Teachers and a new School Principal
Oct 2013

Establishing a School Committee

We establish a school-committee to help us to supervise the project in Mushapo. The Members of the committee are: Jean, the farm manger; the school principal; both of the chiefs of Mushapo, and a representative of the parent association. Important school matters are on the agenda. The committee also discusses how our farm project can be better protected against theft so that steady long term income can be guaranteed to support the school and keep the children’s attendance tuition free. Our school is also visited by a school inspector from Tshikapa. He was satisfied with our progress, but advised us to reduce the size of the classes as soon as possible.
Establishing a School Committee
Sep 2013

School is Expanding to 6 grades

Many parents of the three surrounding villages, Kakondo, Shamubenzi and Kamupafu want to send their children to our school. The amount of pupils increases and we have expanded to six classes. Consequently, our school has developed into an overall primary school. In light of this, we urgently have to think about how to reduce the number of pupils in each class in order to ensure good lessons with smaller classes.
School is Expanding to 6 grades
Jun 2013

Lessons Begin in the New Brick Building

The construction of our first brick building is finished. The two classrooms are furnished and the lessons are now taught there. The teachers and children are enthusiastic, they love the bright classrooms and enjoy the pleasant teaching and learning condition.
Lessons Begin in the New Brick Building
May 2013

Government Recognition of the Mushapo School

The Ministry of Education in Kinshasa has accepted our application – the school is officially registered. Gilbert was a big help in seeing through the application process so quickly. Andre had also offered his help, because he knows the Secretary of Education personally, who, by the way, is from Tshikapa. Even though our school is now recognized by the government, the official salary payments for our teachers haven’t happened yet. But that is business in the Congo. In the remote regions, the paying of salaries by the government can take up to one year. Receiving government-paid salaries is viewed rather sceptically by many Congolese, but then, obtaining official registration of the school was also viewed sceptically – yet, it happened! It makes us all the more thankful for our friends in Kinshasa, Gilbert and Andre, who are helping us to see the governmental salary payment through for our teachers.
Government Recognition of the Mushapo School
Mar 2013

Registering the School

We endeavour to get our school officially registered. The process begins in Tshikapa, where we present the application to the Ministry of Education and they give us the necessary forms. During an official inspection of our school, a representative of the School board from the administrative region of Kamonia helps us file the forms. The forms will be sent back to Tshikapa, where we will pick them up to personally present them to the Ministry of Education. With governmental recognition, we can avoid unexpected future problems. Besides, once the school is recognized by the government, the teachers we are employing will receive a small salary from the government, which we are going to supplement. The registration is also an important step for the school’s independence from us-thus ensuring our project’s sustainability.
Registering the School
Feb 2013

Pupils Sing of their Thankfulness

One day I was standing in front of the school and all the children wholeheartedly sang wonderful songs to express their thankfulness. What a great reward! A pay-off for all the burdens and hardships of the last two years with our school project in Mushapo. It brings great joy to see the progress and encourages us to continue with our efforsts in furthering this school project.
Pupils Sing of their Thankfulness
Dec 2012

First Report Cards

The Congolese school year is divided in trimesters. The first has been completed and the first issuing of school report cards is due. Many children receive their first report card ever – and this means an open door to a better life. We organize a great event for parents and relatives, who are extremely pleased with their children’s scholastic accomplishments.
First Report Cards

Page 7 of 8

 Kinshasa is expanding everywhere as the country's fugitives settle there in hope of a better life. But instead; the problems in the city grow!

De-urbanization - Help for the villages


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