



With the school project in Mushapo ADH wants to ensure a good education for the students in order to give them and the village a better future. ADH offers the schooling for free, so that also children from poorer families can attend the school. With a proper teaching staff ADH tries to establish a good teacher ratio, so that the children can be treated according to their needs. The curriculum of the officially recognized school is based on national guidelines, but already in the first grade, the language is French.

Dec 2014

Student Camp

At the end of the 1st trimester the students receive a certificate. To prepare our oldest students for life, Jean and some of our teachers organized during the Christmas holidays a special 3-day camp for 22 of the oldest students. They had a lot of fun and some special courses in French and various deep topics. With the help of our generator and projector they saw a few inspirational, faith-building movies in the evenings. In addition to their scholastic education we believe that a spiritual and moral education is very important. We want the children in our school to be generally well prepared for their individual life. In this regard, the camp for the children was certainly a big help.
Student Camp
Nov 2014

New school inventory

From the Ministry of Education in Kamonia our school in Mushapo receives new educational material: 48 math and French books for the 3rd and 4th grades.
New school inventory
Oct 2014

At the initiative of the village population a Secondary School is established

With the new school year, our school population has grown again. By now the number of students in the primary stage (1st - 6th grade) has increased to 414 students. We have currently 85 students in the secondary level (7th - 9th grade) set up so that our school now serves nearly 500 students. The problem with a lack of classrooms we solved by teaching secondary school in the afternoon when the rooms are not used by the primary level. The set-up of the secondary education comes from the initiative of the local population, which has even agreed to pay the appropriate teachers. We are very excited about this local initiative because it shows us how much the parents are behind our project and are willing to even contribute to it. As much as we welcome this interim solution, we will continue to apply for official teachers' salaries as soon as possible at the Ministry of Education. For this, a lot of patience and constant insistence is required.
At the initiative of the village population a Secondary School is established
Sep 2014

New school supplies

Wolfgang meets with Jean in Kinshasa to plan the necessary purchases for Mushapo. Among other things, the school requires a good photo copy machine for which we can easily find spare parts and ink cartridges in the region round about Mushapo. We also bought materials for new school uniforms and other school supplies such as chalk, exercise books for pupils, etc. A total of 140kg of school materials and small gifts for the children was transported by truck from Kinshasa to Tshikapa and from there by bike transport to Mushapo. We are now prepared for the new school term, and can have a good start in the new school year.
New school supplies
Aug 2014

In The Future -- Training of Teachers in Mushapo

A very positive message: From the whole region our school in Mushapo was selected by the regional department of the Ministry of Education to enable teachers from all the schools in the area to receive training. That our school was selected for the training of teachers is of course a very great honor for our young school and we are very happy with this award. We assume this great responsibility and will make the necessary arrangements for this teacher training.
In The Future -- Training of Teachers in Mushapo
Jul 2014

A Well-Deserved Break

The current school year came to an end. The certificate award was celebrated with a big party. The parents of our 313 students that were present were very proud of the achievements of their children. Now there is a well-deserved study break for the kids - but also for Jean, our manager, who uses the holiday season to visit his family in Kinshasa. In the meantime he is represented by Pierre, our school principal, but he will be there again to welcome the children in Mushapo when the new school starts in the beginning of September.
A Well-Deserved Break
Jun 2014

Final Sprint

Together with another teacher our school director Pierre accompanied pupils of grade 6 to Shamungamba where the final examinations of the primary schools of the region were taken. Thanks to good preparation by our team of teachers our students did the exams amazingly fast. And because they did so well, it awoke initially suspicion by the exam commission. In vain the pockets of the children were searched to find evidence of possible cheating till at last they had to recognize the outstanding achievements of our students. Meanwhile, the current trimester in Mushapo comes to an end and likewise our teachers achieved good progress with grades 1 to 5 and diligently prepare the new certificates for the children.
Final Sprint
May 2014

A Busy Time

Thanks to the company Denys, who made for us metal hoops, we could extend the sport facilities in Mushapo, so that the children can first learn how to play basketball and then later can play by themselves. With our dedicated team of teachers the school runs very well. Jos continues to teach English in the morning the 5th and 6th grade and in the afternoon the studious teachers. The students are preparing for the upcoming exams and the teachers are busy preparing lessons and making certificates - altogether a busy time.
A Busy Time

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 Our project is an enormous encouragement to the people of Mushapo and the surrounding villages, because a good education means a better future for their children.

314 students, four villages, 10 classrooms, 10 teachers


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