



With the sustainability of the school project in mind, ADH as undertaken an agricultural project. Income from the agriculture should contribute long-term to finance the school operations. Currently domestic agricultural products are grown on a total area of 10 hectares and are sold at local markets. This helps the food-poor region and creates new jobs. The agricultural project also provides opportunities to involve the local community with the school project and teaches them to take personal responsibility for the school in Mushapo. The professional cultivation can also serve in the future for practical training.

Nov 2023

Nsioni - Fish farm

In spite of the extremely difficult conditions with no infrastructure and electricity, Joseph in Nsioni has done well on his project. By now, he has been able to move almost his whole workshop from Kinshasa to the farm, which was not an easy task. He has bred many fish in his fishponds. Since most people there don’t have fridges to preserve the fish they catch, they do it by salting and drying them. He also planted many vegetables and fruits. Many of his trees bore good fruit like bananas, plantains and papayas. He is also growing coconut trees even if it will take time for them to bear fruit. Since Joseph is a very talented handyman and inventor, he has even built a little water plant to generate some electricity Just recently, Madlen visited Joseph’s farm and reported to us that after very heavy rains some of the embankment of the fish pond got washed away and many of the fish were swept away. Unfortunately, there was also a wide spread swine disease in the region and some of his pigs died as well. Now we are concentrating on solidifying the agricultural project and starting a chicken coop. Joseph is also enlarging and fortifying the fishpond, so that the fish will stay contained during any future heavy rains.
Nsioni - Fish farm
Oct 2023

Plateau de Bateke - Chicken breeding

Jean was able to build a building for a chicken raising project at the Plateau de Bateke and produce many fruit tree seedlings for sale. But then fighting broke out between the two tribes in that area. The building for the chickens has become a refuge for about six families. Thank God, Jean’s field was not directly affected by the fights, so he was able to resume work on his agriculture projects after 4 months. Nevertheless, he had to clear the land all over again. He is planting manioc and vegetables now. Due to the instability of the region, we decided to move the chicken raising project into a safer area. Jean has an unfinished building in Kisantu. We are turning this building into a chicken coop. Presently they are working on installing windows and doors.
Plateau de Bateke - Chicken breeding
Jun 2023

Vocational Training Centers: first steps

The two new Vocational Training Centers for agricultural development in the countryside are also slowly progressing. Jean continues on his project site, the Plateau de Bateke, working on the agricultural fields and his big chicken project. Joseph wants to move his whole family with all his equipment from Kinshasa to his project site in Nsioni. This is de-urbanization in action! His oldest daughter, Andrella, recently graduated as a seamstress and will teach local women this trade while Joseph will oversee the training program of the Center.
Vocational Training Centers: first steps
Jan 2023

ADH has two new promising projects in the pipeline

Our plan for 2023 is to build two Vocational Training Centers in two different locations, fulfilling a long-time dream! We are planning to train young adults from each of these areas in a one-year course to learn a trade along the lines of agriculture, including animal husbandry, fish farming, beekeeping etc. At the end of their training, each graduate will receive a package with seeds, possibly a baby animal, and – thus equipped – will return to their village to open up their own workplace with what they have learned in our Centers. One project will be overseen by Jean who has been our local project manager since 2011. The Center will be located east of Kinshasa, on the Plateau de Bateke. The other project will be headed by Joseph, whom we have known since the beginning of our activities in the Congo in 2003. This Center will be located in Nsioni, almost 500 km west of Kinshasa, towards the Atlantic Ocean. Both men have done well with our recent microfinance projects, which gives us confidence that these two new projects should work out satisfactorily as well.
ADH has two new promising projects in the pipeline
Jun 2022

Waiting for the state to take over the financing of school operations

Thanks to your faithful support, all the students in our Agro-Veterinary School in Mabala keep receiving their education and training. So far, the Congolese Ministry of Education does not pay any teachers in new secondary schools like ours. However, since we want to give our students the opportunity to attend our school free of charge, we continue to pay the teachers’ salaries ourselves. Once the state takes over with that, we can start another project. We appreciate your help so we can keep the school running and give the students a better chance for their future.
Waiting for the state to take over the financing of school operations
Dec 2021

L'enseignement agricole en pratique

Le directeur de l’école, l’agronome Philémon, a également lancé un nouveau projet avec les élèves de la section agricole devant les bâtiments de l’école, où ils plantent des légumes et où chacun doit s’occuper de sa propre parcelle de terrain.
L'enseignement agricole en pratique
Apr 2021

The acacia and palm nut trees have grown and can now be planted

Our school director Philemon continued to oversee the work on the acacia and palm nut tree nurseries. The students have now been able to plant the first batches of trees on our field around the school. Two hectares of cassava, the main staple food in the Congo, have also been planted. After many similar previous ventures in Mushapo, all of which we unfortunately had to stop due to theft, this is a long-awaited dream that is gradually coming true for us. It will still take years before the palm trees yield fruit, but the beginning has been made. PIREDD, the organization that initiated this project and donated 1,000 seeds for each tree type, is supporting the school in the implementation of the project with a small contribution, in addition to our funding for the teachers.
The acacia and palm nut trees have grown and can now be planted
Dec 2020

Agriculture on the school grounds means hands-on learning

We are supporting the efforts of the teachers to plant manioc and because the students receive free schooling, they are helping with this agricultural project. The land belongs to our school, and so we encourage the teachers and students to grow more and more food to support the school. This also gives the students hands-on-training while the raising of chickens and rabbits continues to help them to learn how to care for such animals.
Agriculture on the school grounds means hands-on learning

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