


Od roku 2000 umožňují naše výroční zprávy sledovat přehled vývoje našich projektů. Kromě shrnutí našeho aktuálního projektu tato sekce také zahrnuje již dokončené projekty. Můžete tak jít po stopách „Aktive Direkt Hilfe“ v Africe. Navíc zde každý měsíc zveřejňujeme nejnovější zprávy ohledně právě probíhajícího projektu.

Přehledy roku
The nice thing about South Africa, with approximately 25 % of white population, is that the people in general regardless of their race or color are all just as interested in God's word as they are in the rest of Africa. It is quite amazing to see a country which in many ways looks like Europe where people's lives are still so deeply rooted in faith. The problematic side of this country however lies - just as in the other African nations - in the huge difference between rich and poor which is a great challenge that still needs to be solved. One such example is Khayelitsha, the biggest slum area in Cape Town with about 800 000 black people living mostly in shacks, stretching about 10 km long and 5 km wide. About 80 % of these people are jobless and alcohol, drugs, prostitution, AIDS, criminality etc are rampant…


We hope that you’re all well and that in spite of the busy times we’re living in you’re able to find time for your family and to enjoy life! Since March we are sending out regular emails to all our friends in English, French and German and we pray that you enjoy these beautiful stories and thought provoking, faith building articles. Following are some highlights of reactions we received from different people to these emails: Köln ”We met each other on the train and I’m reading your materials with much interest and am learning very much from it. I have a personal question. I …want to search for a new way to discover what life is really all about. …I would just like to be there for others and find myself. I’m looking forward to an answer and say thank you ...”Basel (after experiencing business crisis) “…thank you from my…


After we left Congo in December we wanted to take the opportunity to get a good checkup for Lenka in Germany as she had not recovered well from her operation in May. To our surprise we found out that she needed another operation in her abdomen. As difficult as this news was for us, we were very thankful for this opportunity and that everything went well. Lenka who already had several operations in her childhood was now quite weakened and we needed to find a mission field which is not quite as taxing as Africa, so she could heal up better. Friends of ours in Veracruz, Mexico, asked us to help them in their mission work. We accepted this offer and joined them two months ago and are happy to be here as there is a lot to do. Another change is that the office of our association moved from…


Přehledy roku

  Chceme být pozitivním příkladem pro ostatní dobročinné organizace a povzbudit je k tomu, aby se rovněž angažovali ve vnitrozemí.

Náš cíl - odurbanizace


Pokud se chcete přihlásit k odběru našeho zpravodaje, pošlete nám prosím zprávu.


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Máte dotaz nebo připomínku? Prosím, obraťte se přímo na nás! Vaše zpráva nás potěší a budeme se snažit co nejrychleji reagovat.

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Chci pomoci

Chtěli byste vědět, jak nám můžete pomáhat s naší pomocí v Kongu? Tady se můžete o různých možnostech podpory dozvědět více.

Pomoci ADH