


Od roku 2000 umožňují naše výroční zprávy sledovat přehled vývoje našich projektů. Kromě shrnutí našeho aktuálního projektu tato sekce také zahrnuje již dokončené projekty. Můžete tak jít po stopách „Aktive Direkt Hilfe“ v Africe. Navíc zde každý měsíc zveřejňujeme nejnovější zprávy ohledně právě probíhajícího projektu.

Přehledy roku
čvc 2005

Africa Keeps Calling

We hope that you’re all well and that in spite of the busy times we’re living in you’re able to find time for your family and to enjoy life!

Since March we are sending out regular emails to all our friends in English, French and German and we pray that you enjoy these beautiful stories and thought provoking, faith building articles. Following are some highlights of reactions we received from different people to these emails:

Köln ”We met each other on the train and I’m reading your materials with much interest and am learning very much from it. I have a personal question. I …want to search for a new way to discover what life is really all about. …I would just like to be there for others and find myself. I’m looking forward to an answer and say thank you ...”
Basel (after experiencing business crisis) “…thank you from my heart for your texts. I can use them very much right now as I’m going through a rough stage. In spite of it or maybe because of this difficult time I can experience the power of God even more.”
Rosenheim Mother: “I like to read the Vitamins for the Heart very much!” Daughter: “I also like to read the texts you are sending out very much and always give Mommy and Daddy a print-out.”
Kinshasa ”…I'm very happy for the e-mails that you're sending me and I read them all. I'll try to print some if possible. Everything is well here except some problems. We're afraid but I hope you all pray for me.”

As far as our work in Mexico, the ongoing projects continued well. We visited the hospitals, distributed aid to the poor and educational materials for children from underprivileged families. This year we will distribute more than ever, so far 4800 books & 400 CDs for children and 400 Activated magazines for their families.

Even though we liked the work in Mexico we couldn't shake the call for Africa and the great need there. The question was just where we should go since Lenka cannot handle the tropical heat after her operations. After going back and forth quite a bit we came to the conclusion that South Africa would probably be the best place for us. From there we would also like to make trips to Congo if the situation there and our finances permit it. We have found a new team in Capetown which is interested in helping us to make these trips and is happy that we want to come and help them with their work.

After spending some time visiting our families and relatives we are at the moment based at our association in Rheurdt. From there Wolfgang was able to participate for one week in the World Youth Day in Köln with our missionary friends from the surrounding countries. We met many searching young people from all over the world and distributed 14.000 pieces of literature which offer answers to their questions about life and faith and the first positive responses from this very inspiring time are already coming in.
Soon Wolfgang will go on his yearly tour through South Germany to visit as many of you as possible and try to call all the others.

The situation in Congo continues to be very volatile with the postponed elections. Pastor Theophile sent us heartbreaking news about the orphans in Kinshasa, Kisenso (see Newsletter 14). Here is an excerpt of one of his emails about it: "...The situation of children at Kisenso isn't good because the food became too expensive, some of them died and we had to bury them last week, you can continue to pray for them please... "

We would like to help them but need your prayers and your support. In order for us to be able to better plan this and other projects in South Africa we want to ask you to please send us your donations on a regular basis. Even 10 Euros a month or whatever the Lord puts on your heart will be a big help. We know He will bless you for it as He promised: "Give and it shall be given unto you…" Thank you very much!

... to the poor families in the swampy outskirts of Boca del Rio.Orphans in Kisenso at our distribution there in November 2004.Wolfgang talking with a group from Tanzania at the World Youth Day in Köln.Wolfgang at our distribution of clothes and food items ...

Přehledy roku

  2003 – 2004: Přišli jsme do Kinshasy po ničivé občanské válce v Kongu, dovezli do Afriky náš třetí kontejner a rozdělili potřebným humanitární pomoc.

10 výročí “Aktive Direkt Hilfe”


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