

What are Vitamins for the Heart? Additionally to the physical help for us the spiritual support has likewise a big meaning. ‘Vitamins for the Heart’ is the title of series in which we publish new articles monthly. The Vitamins are compositions out of texts, which we are friendly allowed by the authors to present on our webpage. Because we had many positive reactions to the vitamins we also want to present them on our webpage and hope that they will also bring many others a big pleasure.

Vitamins for the Heart
Written by Lenka Schmidt:

My seemingly simple first surgery didn´t go as well as I expected and I had to have a second operation three months later. At first I was worried. I got attacked with lots of terrible thoughts of not surviving it etc. until I realized that I don´t have to listen to all this. I had the choice to shut these thoughts out and to concentrate on the positive. So, I started to plan the things I would like to do as if the surgery would go well. I only accepted thoughts of the surgery being succesful and prayed for God to take complete control of my life. When the time came to go to the hospital I had perfect peace and I even felt the presence of an angel. I just knew Someone much bigger than me had it all under control so whatever the outcome would be it would be good.

Before the surgery I didn´t receive any calming medicine which they usually offer and I arrived to the operation theatre fully awake and fully at peace. Prior to the anasthesia I was even able to comment on how pretty it was there with big glass windows and I chatted with the staff. I also told them that the surgery had to turn out well because people from half around the world were praying for me. That was something very unusual to say in probably the most a-religious country in the world.

The surgery turned out to be a total success, though not without a fight. My doctor repeated to me in his own words twice that it was a miracle that it all worked out fine. In the ICU I had to fight a few setbacks and had to have two transfusions due to loss of blood. My blood pressure was low and I had a hard time breathing. But I believe that God helped me with all of this and I recovered miraculously fast. Instead of the original 10 day stay in case of complications, I went home on the 8th day, walking and moving around, without pain.

During my time at the hospital I became friends with my roommate and the next door lady, both in their 60s and both diagnosed with cancer before their surgery. They were waiting for the results of how the operation went for them and were of course quite nervous. We had many beautiful conversations about God and His love and care. It was very rewarding to be able to comfort them and help them. I prayed for them and felt that they will be fine. Now almost a month later one of them called me that she is completely cancer free with no need of chemotherapy or any other treatment.

I‘m thankful for the hundreds of friends around the world who prayed for me. I couldn´t have made it without them. I´m also very excited about the future. I know that God knows what is best for me and I can‘t wait to see where this will take us as a family and what He will do for us and through us... I am eternally thankfull!

Lenka Schmidt

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