

Construction d' écoles
Construction  d' écoles

Construction d' écoles

Jusqu’au départ de notre projet, début de 2011, le village de Mushapo n’avait pas d’école propre. Ainsi, pour éviter que les enfants aient à se rendre à l’école chaque jour dans les villages voisins par un chemin très long et fatiguant et aussi pour permettre à plus d'enfants de recevoir une bonne éducation, ADH s’est fixé comme objectif la réalisation d’une école à Mushapo. Le projet d'école est durable : Plusieurs bâtiments scolaires et salles de classe spacieuses et lumineuses, construites en matériaux solides et durables, doivent permettre en permanence, par toutes les conditions météorologiques, un fonctionnement sûr de l’école. En outre, de nouveaux emplois importants peuvent être créés par la construction de l'école et du système scolaire dans la région rurale.

Mai 2017

New school project in Mabala

In the beginning of March, Wolfgang and Jean flew to Nioki to start our new project there. They again stayed at a guesthouse of the company SODEFOR who agreed to give us free accommodations including a cook whenever we visit Nioki. We met up with Joachim, the project manager of the NGO BBK, who we are working together with on this project, and with the local representatives Annie and Leonard. Annie is the head of the BBK in Nioki and school directress in Mabala. Leonard has 10 cows, something we had not yet seen in other parts of Congo. We wish more people would breed animals to improve the supplies for the local population. We discussed with them how we could help the area the most and decided to build a secondary school with emphasis on agricultural and veterinarian training. This will benefit the whole Kutu region as they don’t have any school of this kind. For the location of the project we chose a 40 hectare piece of land between the city Nioki and the village Mabala. This will enable pupils from both places to visit the school easier and the territory is big enough to teach agriculture on site. If we receive enough funding, we’d like to build a small boarding home there in the future, so young people from surrounding villages can also come and learn how to do agriculture and then go back to their villages and teach there what they have learned.
New school project in Mabala
Fév 2017

Progress in construction of Mushapo's health center

In the Health Center, four exterior doors and six interior doors as well as 12 windows were manufactured and put in place.
Progress in construction of Mushapo's health center
Oct 2016

Interim solution for construction supervision in Mushapo

All the inside walls of the Health Center are finished and plastered. Since our manager Jean is still in Kinshasa due to his diabetes, we asked our “ADH Congo” members Gilbert, Andre and Francois, if they could meet him to discuss the future of our project. Because of Jeans health problems, the plan was for him to move to Tshikapa, from where he was supposed to make regular trips to Mushapo to oversee the work better that way. Unfortunately he got a relapse and is not able to relocate yet into the countryside. For now our school director Pierre will oversee the construction work and the school. (Picture, from left to right: Gilbert, Jean, Andre and Francois, meeting in Kinshasa)
Interim solution for construction supervision in Mushapo
Aoû 2016

Construction work on the health center is almost finished

The inspector from the Ministry of Health in Kamonia came to visit our Health Center which is under construction. By now the outside and inside walls of the building are all the way up to the roof. The outside walls got covered with a coat of cement mix to protect them against the strong rains. The inside walls are being plastered at the moment. Four rooms are finished, six more need to get done.
Construction work on the health center is almost finished
Jui 2016

Health Center construction moves forward

The building of the new Health Center is almost finished. the team in Mushapo though and gave us the following report. The walls of the Health Center are all the way up now. The exterior of those walls got covered with a coat of cement to protect the walls from the rain. This is very important as the Health Center is standing quite a bit apart from the school buildings and is exposed the most to the rain and storms. We still need to plaster the interior walls, lay a cement floor, place the doors and windows and paint them. We hope the Health Center can be finished and start operating soon to avoid any more children’s deaths there. In Kinshasa we bought mattresses for the patients of the new Health Center. We thoroughly wrapped them for protecting them on the challenging transport to Tshikapa via truck. In the meanwhile, the mattresses were brought to Mushapo via bicycle transporters.
Health Center construction moves forward
Fév 2016

Progress with our Health Center, we hope for a launch in the near future

Robert showed us the progress with the construction of the Health Center for Mushapo. The walls are almost completely put up. There is an urgent need for a quick completion. The following example underlines this urgency: “Our school director Pierre in Mushapo asked us to come and pray for his daughter who had a huge red spot on her neck, about 10 cm in diameter, which looked like some kind of blood infection. He told us that many children suffer from this same problem there. The poor girl was in horrible pain and had missed school already for a week. Since our medical center is not in operation yet, there is no doctor or Health Center nearby, unless you walk 35 km through the bush to the next bigger town. After praying for this sick girl we went to bed and moved by it all I couldn’t go to sleep and started to cry. Pierre has nine more mostly little children in his care. Three of them are his own, the others are from relatives who can’t take care of them, something you find often in Congo. Anybody who takes such children in his home and cares for them is a hero in my eyes.” (Wolfgang Schmidt)
Progress with our Health Center, we hope for a launch in the near future
Sep 2015

Current construction report

We managed to make the following progress of construction in Mushapo lately: The water tank is finished and waits for the new rainy season. The cement floors of school building 1 and 2 are finished, the 3rd building is still under construction. Its walls are already up to the level of the windows. The roofs with wooden supports are done for all 3 toilets. In addition, the roof with wooden supports is done for the Health center and the laying of the foundation will start. For the cement floor and the foundation of the health center, we need more gravel and will pay local workers for the transport to the construction site.
Current construction report
Aoû 2015

Production of brickwork continues

During the school holidays, our manager Jean took his entitled vacation to visit his family in Kinshasa. Our school principal Pierre will temporarily replace him during his vacation in order to supervise the work in Mushapo, especially the ongoing brick production. The manufacture of new bricks for the third school building and health centre is still running at full speed. Preparations are also being made for the new school year, to which we expect around 400 children in our primary school and 100 in our high school.
Production of brickwork continues
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