


sobota, 08 duben 2023 17:23

The Easter Story

The fact that Jesus lived on this earth and that he died by crucifixion is academically well established also by ancient sources outside of the Bible. There are historical evidences, dating back to just a little over 20 years after His death, which is much less time than the first biography of Alexander the Great, written about 400 years after his death!

What about the resurrection?

Perhaps the most remarkable reference to Jesus outside the Bible can be found in the writings of Josephus, a first century Jewish historian. In the “Testimonium Flavianum”, the relevant portion declares: About this time, there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he ... wrought surprising feats.... He was the Christ. When Pilate ...condemned him to be crucified, those who had … come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared ... restored to life ... And the tribe of Christians ... has ... not disappeared.[1]

Some of the greatest proof of the resurrection is the change that it brought to the people who followed Jesus for three and half years during His time on Earth until His death. Yet something made them keep believing in Him subsequently. Were there any eyewitnesses who saw Him being alive again?


There are multiple early first century accounts in the documents that make up the New Testament with eyewitnesses such as:

Mary Magdalene: She turned around and saw Jesus standing there… Jesus said to her, ‘Mary!’ (Jn 20:14 & 16).

Peter: The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared to Peter (Simon Peter) (Lk 24:34).

Two Disciples on the Emmaus Road: And behold, two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was about seven miles from Jerusalem. …And it happened while they were conversing and discussing, that Jesus himself approached them, and began traveling with them (Lk 24:13-16).

The Disciples (first without Thomas) On the evening of that first day of the week, the disciples were together. They had locked the doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders (who crucified Jesus). Suddenly Jesus came in and stood among them. He said, ‘May peace be with you!’ Then he showed them his hands and his side. Thomas, one of the 12 disciples, was not with the other disciples when Jesus came. (Jn. 20,19-24)

All of the Disciples: A week later, Jesus’ disciples were in the house again. Thomas was with them. Jesus came in and stood among them. He said, ‘May peace be with you!’ Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here. See my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.’ Thomas said to him, ‘My Lord and my God!’ Then Jesus told him, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen me but still have believed.’ (Jn 20:26-28)

Seven Disciples at the Sea of Galilee: After this, Jesus appeared to his disciples again. It was by the Sea of Galilee. Simon Peter and Thomas were there together. Nathanael from Cana in Galilee and the sons of Zebedee were with them. So were two other disciples (Jn 21:1-2).

Over Five Hundred People: After that he was seen by over five hundred people at once, of whom the greater part are still alive (1. Cor. 15:6).

James (son of Joseph and Mary, brother of Jesus): Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles (1. Cor. 15:7).

Later he appeared also to the Apostle Paul (Acts 9:3-5).

How long was Jesus on Earth before He went to Heaven?

After his suffering and death, he appeared to them. In many ways he proved that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of 40 days. During that time he spoke about God’s kingdom (Acts 1:3).


These appearances convinced His disciples, beyond any doubt, that He had risen from the dead. And billions of Christians throughout the centuries have testified of personal encounters with Jesus and the power of prayer ever since.

Copyright © 2023 Aktive Direkt Hilfe e. V. - [1] https://www.bethinking.org/jesus/ancient-evidence-for-jesus-from-non-christian-sources

sobota, 08 duben 2023 16:44

Průběžná zpráva 2023:

Fotografie z Konga - Velikonoce 2023


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a stavba vepřína
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Naším plánem je vybudovat dvě střediska odborného vzdělávání na dvou různých místech, čímž se nám splní dlouholetý sen. Plánujeme v každé z těchto oblastí shromáždit mladé lidi, kteří absolvují zhruba roční kurz týkající se znalostí z oblasti zemědělství, s důrazem na chov zvířat, ryb, včel atd. Po ukončení výuky obdrží každý úspěšný absolvent balíček se semeny rostlin a mládě chovného zvířete, a takto vybaven se vrátí do své vesnice, kde může okamžitě uplatnit v praxi to, co se v našich centrech naučil. Jeden projekt povede Jean, který naším místním projektovým manažerem již od roku 2011. Středisko se bude se nacházet východně od Kinshasy, na náhorní plošině Plateau de Bateke. Druhý projekt svěříme Josephovi, kterého známe již od roku 2003, od začátku našich humanitárních aktivit v Kongu. Tento projekt bude lokalizován v Nsioni, téměř 500 km na západ od Kinshasy, směrem k Atlantickému oceánu. Oba muži si již dobře poradili s našimi malými mikrofinančními projekty, což nám dává jistotu, že i tyto dva nové projekty budou uspokojivě fungovat.

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