
A compilation of quotes: Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future. – Paul Boese (1923-1976) Without forgiveness, life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. – Roberto Assagioli (1888–1974) He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be forgiven. – Author unknown Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were. – Cherie Carter-Scott (b. 1949) Forgiveness is almost a selfish act because of its immense benefits to the one who forgives. – Lawana Blackwell (b. 1952) The one attitude, which gives rise to hope amidst misunderstanding and ill will, is a forgiving spirit. Where forgiveness becomes the atmosphere, there hope and healing are possible. – C. Neil Strait (1934–2003) Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hate.…


W. Schmidt: Christmas can mean diverse things to various individuals, depending on where they live, what their religious belief is and what stage of their life they might be in. Children, young people, adults, Christians, atheists, members of other religions, everyone may experience Christmas in their own way. In rich countries, many can afford elaborate Christmas trees and decorations, do lots of baking and cooking, shopping, wrapping, gifts and festivities. For those without a home, it might be a sad time, when they feel left out of all those celebrations. In the poor countries, like in Congo, there is not much of a Christmas in this way. A few might use a little plastic tree with simple decorations from the years before and prepare a special meal, but without baking and gifts. The poor might enjoy some meat exceptionally at this cheerful occasion. In my own life, I have several…


by W. Schmidt: When I visited the school in Mabala, near Nioki in the DR Congo, the oldest students had just finished taking their exams that day. Unfortunately, they have to pay for their schooling and the exams. One of the girls had recently been expelled from the school as she had gotten pregnant and by law cannot stay in school under this condition. I asked our manager Jean, what the oldest students will do after their final exams. He replied: “Nothing!” It’s a heartbreaking situation! There are very few jobs available in the area; about three quarters of the people are jobless. The people also need help in doing agriculture the right way. Ing. Jean, an experienced agronomist said that the leaves of the manioc plants (main staple in Congo) in the fields there are sick. The locals need training and Jean also wants to introduce better seeds without…


  Základní etické hodnoty, jako je zodpovědnost, poctivost a mravní integrita jsou pro naše spolupracovníky zcela nepostradatelné.

“Užasné nápady pro podporu” a “zodpovědní spolupracovníci”


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