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Pioneering new Projects

by W. Schmidt:

Starting something new is always a challenge, but also rewarding and it pays in many ways. To start a new project in Congo, especially in the interior of the country, involves a lot of ground work. Our school project in Mushapo suffered a major setback when the province Kasai where it is situated got engulfed in an uprising which until now was typical only for the East of the country where the majority of the natural resources are located.

When the fighting in Kasai started to unfold, slowly spread and finally reached our far away village, it brought our project to a standstill. My wife and I were hit hard by these news, gripped with discouragement and despair. But then angels of courage comforted us and gave us new strength, hope and vision. Instead of looking down, we now lift our eyes at what a blessing our school was for many since its beginning. During the last 5 years, almost 2000 children enjoyed free schooling. Besides that, we believe that they, as well as the teachers, parents and workers involved in the project, will never forget, how somebody came from outside their country and built them a school in the bush, while their own countrymen have now chased them out – out of their school, their houses and land.

Here are some other positives we can look at: our buildings are still there and can be a blessing in the future, once the political situation settles. Many people benefitted from the jobs our project had created. As you may recall by a complete miracle we were able to register our school under the support of the Ministry of Education. That way our teachers were paid by the government, which they still are even after they had to flee. We are praying for peace and that the teachers and students can go back to school either in Mushapo or somewhere else.

From this pilot project we gained a lot of experience which will help us in our next project. One important lesson we personally learned was not to be discouraged and give up when things like this happen but start again in another needy area. We can take courage from the way Japan and Germany and other countries were built up after they were bombed out and destroyed.

God knew this would happen and prepared us for it in advance. The construction work in Mushapo had slowed down in the last year because of our manager Jean’s health issues. For this reason, less money was invested in the project before the trouble started. At the same time, we laid the groundwork for a new project in a different province a year ago. This included: finding responsible and capable partners, setting up needed logistics, choosing the right piece of land etc. We had to plan, counsel, organize and raise support which gives new people an opportunity to accomplish something worthwhile with their lives. It will give new pupils, teachers and workers a chance to receive an education, find work and improve their lives, and thereby change another part of the world for the better.

A few years ago, I started working on a new kind of project which I never dreamed of undertaking – writing a book. It started slowly, whenever my time permitted it and the inspiration flowed. I had no idea how much work it would entail but I felt called to do it. So I started it, and besides being a lot of work, it is also fun, exciting, rewarding and could be a successful addition to what we accomplished so far.

When our little family moved our base to Europe a few years back, we faced many new challenges: finding new housing, the search for the right kind of school for our daughter, and working in a completely new environment. Instead of living amongst Congolese where the majority believes in God, we were now in the Czech Republic surrounded mostly by unbelievers.

This new set-up offered me more time to reflect and formulate for the book what we learned in our 10 years in Africa which could help the development of this part of the world. At the same time, I felt the inner compulsion to write about what I see is happening in Africa and the developed world and consequently to look for solutions for the problems in both parts of the globe. The book covers also quite a few other topics which I believe will be able to help many people.

I’m learning not to give up but to keep going when any kind of trouble comes; to fight fear with faith when dark clouds appear through negative circumstances or doubts sometimes even by well-meaning people; and most of all to stay full of God’s Spirit and joy in my work.

Writing, for me, takes team work like any other project. After the first draft, I give it to my wife and some close friends for their feedback, comments, questions and suggestions. Then comes translation work with more team working and improving. Finally, the question of how to publish the book to reach as many people as possible.

All this teaches me to keep going no matter what happens as Martin Luther said: “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces; I would still plant my apple tree.” We have nothing to lose by starting something new and by pursuing our goals; in the contrary, there is a lot to gain in the process.

Copyright © 2017 Aktive Direkt Hilfe e. V.

  Svým darem uděláte každopádně dobrý skutek a výrazně přispějete k lepší budoucnosti dětí v Mushapu.



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