
By W. Schmidt: Where would we be without our parents? Well, obviously we wouldn’t be here. Often we appreciate someone more when we don’t have them anymore. I felt that way recently after my mother passed away just 3 weeks after my father. This way their last wish in life was fulfilled, that when one leaves, the other one can follow soon. It was quite moving to say good bye to them at their grave side. Even if many of those present and I believe that they are alive in the spirit world, it was a big change, a cut, a loss to not have them around in their physical presence. At the same time it was a learning and growing experience in many ways. For one, a lot of good memories were shared. Our parents were wonderful people and had a beautiful long life, 101 + 99 years, married…


A compilation: Dr. Werner von Braun, well-known for his part in pioneering the U.S. space program, said that he had “essentially scientific” reasons for believing in life after death. He explained: “Science has found that nothing can disappear without a trace. Nature does not know extinction. All it knows is transformation. If God applies the fundamental principle to the most minute and insignificant parts of the universe, doesn’t it make sense to assume that He applies it to the masterpiece of His creation - the human soul? I think it does.” It is very beautiful over there. – Last words of Thomas Edison Heaven - the treasury of everlasting life. – William Shakespeare As he neared his end, John Newton exclaimed, “I am still in the land of the dying; I shall be in the land of the living soon.” I am standing on the seashore. A ship spreads her…


A compilation: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. — Max Planck *** Many years ago, I took care of an old man with Alzheimer’s. For over six months, I fed him, gave him his showers, dressed him, kept him company, wiped his butt, and took him for walks. I also fended off his ‘crazy’ spurts—like when he tried to hit me all the way out of the house, then locked me out and was laughing maniacally through the window (Oh, yes. Ha. Ha. Ha.). I took care of him because in the initial interview, I took to his wife —I really liked her. With dark circles under her eyes, she was completely overwhelmed, struggling to care for him 24/7. But, man … the love she showed her husband; the tender way she looked at him! He had no idea who she…


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