



Le projet d’école de l’ADH à Mushapo devrait assurer une bonne éducation des élèves et permettre d’envisager un avenir meilleur au village. L’enseignement est offert gratuitement par ADH afin que les enfants issus de familles pauvres puissent en bénéficier. Avec des enseignants appropriés l’ADH s’efforce d’établir une bonne relation de supervision, de sorte que les enfants soient favorisés en fonction de leurs besoins. Le programme scolaire de l’école, officiellement reconnue, est basé sur les directives de l'État, cependant la langue d'enseignement est dès la première classe le français.

Sep 2018

Ouverture de « ADH Ecole Agro-Vétérinaire de Mabala »

Nos deux bâtiments scolaires avec chacun trois grandes classes et le bâtiment pour le directeur et les professeurs étant pratiquement achevés, il a été possible à l’école d’ouvrir cette année. Ceci représente pour les cinq derniers mois une performance remarquable, particulièrement si l’on considère les conditions difficiles dans cette zone isolée du centre du pays. Nous sommes très reconnaissants pour la participation de chacun ! L’école a pour nom ITAV-ADH Mabala. (ITAV: Institut Technique Agro-Vétérinaire). (Photo : écoliers faisant partie des 260 jeunes scolarisés dans notre école, dont 15 enfants pygmées)
Ouverture de « ADH Ecole Agro-Vétérinaire de Mabala »
Sep 2018

Première année scolaire à Mabala

L’organisation partenaire BBK, sous la direction de Madame Annie, la directrice expérimentée d’une autre école supérieure, a sélectionné 260 écoliers dont 15 enfants pygmées. La BBK à Kinshasa paiera les professeurs, ce qui permettra aux enfants de bénéficier d’une scolarité gratuite, contrairement à ce qui se fait habituellement. Un ingénieur expérimenté, M. Philemon, a été embauché comme directeur. Une secrétaire ainsi que neuf professeurs ont été sélectionnés également.
Galerie photos
Education in school room
Première année scolaire à Mabala
Jui 2018

À Tshikapa, nouveau transfert de l’enseignement nécessaire

La formation des écoliers de Mushapo continue à progresser à Tshikapa. Nous avons envoyé un soutien financier supplémentaire à Pierre le directeur de l’école, qui en avait besoin, car ses locaux devaient être transférés dans une autre partie de la ville.
À Tshikapa, nouveau transfert de l’enseignement nécessaire
Avr 2018

News About our Students in Mushapo and Tshikapa

We sent some support to our school director Pierre and the teachers in Tshikapa as it was very hard for them to start all over after local militia had forced them to leave Mushapo last year. The afternoon school is functioning well, thus the children can continue their education. We also found out that the Tshokwe tribe who remained in Mushapo has reopened our school there recently. Now we have about 350 pupils in the school in Tshikapa and 150 pupils in our school buildings in Mushapo. We are happy for all those precious children that they can continue their education although they suffer from this forceful interruption in their lives.
News About our Students in Mushapo and Tshikapa
Déc 2017

Schooling of our Mushapo pupils continues in Tshikapa

The good news is that the majority of the families of our children, who had to flee, have regrouped in Tshikapa. We have 369 displaced pupils there: 32 enrolled in other schools in Tshikapa, while 337 are under the supervision of Director Pierre. Upon the request of the parents, Pierre was able to find a school in Tshikapa where he is teaching our children in the afternoon with our eight former teachers and three new teachers who have replaced the two original Tshokwe teachers who remained in Mushapo. We are very grateful for this initiative of the parents and school director Pierre, which helps the children to continue their education despite the terrible local situation, and we are happy, that the idea of our project carries on.
Schooling of our Mushapo pupils continues in Tshikapa
Aoû 2017

Schooling in Mushapo is currently impossible

The terrifying approach in the armed conflict resembles the one in the East of Congo, with the aim of dispersing the population in order to exploit the resources more easily. Kasai is known for its many diamonds. In view of this situation, we can only hope and pray that more international attention will move the government towards finding a peaceful solution. Until then, not only are our and the other schools and health centers in the region brought to a halt, but innocent people will continue to die and are driven away. Instead of letting ourselves be discouraged from helping other needy people, we are thankful for what has been achieved so far: • Since the beginning of our project in 2011, nearly 2000 pupils have attended our school. They will not forget how someone from abroad built them a school, set it up and made it possible for them to receive free schooling, while now their own country men drove them out. • The children will be able to continue to receive further schooling in their new places of refuge. • Our teachers keep receiving salaries from the government in spite of the fighting. • Through this project, our team has gained important experience on how to build development work in the rural areas of Congo, where the need is the biggest. These experiences can help us and others with similar projects.
Schooling in Mushapo is currently impossible
Fév 2017

Smaller classes at school in Mushapo are necessary

A representative of the Ministry of Education from Kamonia visited our school and said we should add one more class to the 5th and 6th grade as the amount of children per class is too high (over 50). Since there are only 10 class rooms, we will have to see how to rearrange things to create two new classes. The Ministry is ready to support two more teachers which will be a big help for the school.
Smaller classes at school in Mushapo are necessary
Oct 2016

More students than ever, 567 in total!

This school year the number of students in our Primary School increased to 275 boys and 202 girls, together 477. Our Secondary School population also grew, now 53 boys and 37 girls, together 90. That brings our total amount of students up to 567! It is very encouraging to see that the parents appreciate the schooling of their children so much, which will give them a better chance in their future.
More students than ever, 567 in total!
  Nous aimerions donner un exemple positif aux autres organismes et les encourager à s’engager aussi à l'intérieur du pays.

Notre objectif - pour contrer l'urbanisation


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