

Designated Donations

Education: Help toward self-help

To improve the future prospects of the children, a good education and support of the children paves the way. Please help us secure a lasting and sustainable school operation. The employment of qualified teachers is essential. Besides current labor costs for teachers and school staff, your donation is used to acquire proper teaching materials, writing materials, exercise books, text books and furnishings for the classrooms, like black boards, school benches, tables and desks.

ADH targeted donation-education
First school building inside: Bright, spacious classrooms with large blackboard for better teaching.

Donations via Paypal

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Donation by bank transfer

Donation account of 'Aktive Direkt Hilfe e.V.'

IBAN DE 92 4401 0046 0298 0004 61
Postbank Dortmund

Address: Am Lerchenbuck 23 - D-79379 Müllheim

General donations

You prefer to support the project on the whole and want us to decide about how we can use your donations the best way?

Donate generally

 Our project is an enormous encouragement to the people of Mushapo and the surrounding villages, because a good education means a better future for their children.

314 students, four villages, 10 classrooms, 10 teachers


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Others about us

We asked some of our supporters: "Why do you support ADH "? We like to share their answers with you.

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