


Our plan for 2023 is to build two Vocational Training Centers in two different locations, fulfilling a long-time dream! We are planning to train young adults from each of these areas in a one-year course to learn a trade along the lines of agriculture, including animal husbandry, fish farming, beekeeping etc. At the end of their training, each graduate will receive a package with seeds, possibly a baby animal, and – thus equipped – will return to their village to open up their own workplace with what they have learned in our Centers. One project will be overseen by Jean who has been our local project manager since 2011. The Center will be located east of Kinshasa, on the Plateau de Bateke. The other project will be headed by Joseph, whom we have known since the beginning of our activities in the Congo in 2003. This Center will be located in Nsioni, almost 500 km west of Kinshasa, towards the Atlantic Ocean. Both men have done well with our recent microfinance projects, which gives us confidence that these two new projects should work out satisfactorily as well.

Our plan for 2023 is to build two Vocational Training Centers in two different locations, fulfilling a long-time dream! We are planning to train young adults from each of these areas in a one-year course to learn a trade along the lines of agriculture, including animal husbandry, fish farming, beekeeping etc. At the end of their training, each graduate will receive a package with seeds, possibly a baby animal, and – thus equipped – will return to their village to open up their own workplace with what they have learned in our Centers. One project will be overseen by Jean who has been our local project manager since 2011. The Center will be located east of Kinshasa, on the Plateau de Bateke. The other project will be headed by Joseph, whom we have known since the beginning of our activities in the Congo in 2003. This Center will be located in Nsioni, almost 500 km west of Kinshasa, towards the Atlantic Ocean. Both men have done well with our recent microfinance projects, which gives us confidence that these two new projects should work out satisfactorily as well.

Our plan for 2023 is to build two Vocational Training Centers in two different locations, fulfilling a long-time dream! We are planning to train young adults from each of these areas in a one-year course to learn a trade along the lines of agriculture, including animal husbandry, fish farming, beekeeping etc. At the end of their training, each graduate will receive a package with seeds, possibly a baby animal, and – thus equipped – will return to their village to open up their own workplace with what they have learned in our Centers. One project will be overseen by Jean who has been our local project manager since 2011. The Center will be located east of Kinshasa, on the Plateau de Bateke. The other project will be headed by Joseph, whom we have known since the beginning of our activities in the Congo in 2003. This Center will be located in Nsioni, almost 500 km west of Kinshasa, towards the Atlantic Ocean. Both men have done well with our recent microfinance projects, which gives us confidence that these two new projects should work out satisfactorily as well.

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 In order to significantly improve the future prospects of the children (and thus also of their families!) ADH made the facilitation of a proper education and formation of children its goal!

Our objective – to provide education


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