
Building the last classrooms in Mabala - a community project Featured
22 Nov 2022

Building the last classrooms in Mabala - a community project

Our school in Mabala will soon be independent from us! We have already built eight classrooms, but the school needs a total of six classrooms for the agricultural section and six classrooms for the veterinary section. So, we needed four more! With gratitude and vision, the parents of the students took initiative once again and organized the production of thousands of new bricks. The funding of the roof, windows, doors, and cement for the walls, floors and patio came from ADH and ERA CONGO, a company operating in forest conservation in the area. It’s the same company which supported the planting of our school’s palm trees last year.

  Notre projet est un énorme encouragement pour les gens de Mushapo et les villages environnants, car une bonne éducation est le gage d’un meilleur avenir pour leurs enfants.

314 élèves, 4 villages, 10 salles de classe, 10 enseignants


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