
Building a well Featured
02 Oct 2024

Building a well

Here is a report from Joseph how a well was built, starting with transporting material from Kinshasa to Nsioni:
Despite many obstacles, we arrived at the farm on Monday morning at 4 o’clock. We spent three days on the road (500 km!) because of traffic jams between Kinshasa and Matadi. Unfortunately, between Boma and Nsioni, precisely in the village of Muenge, we had an accident with our small trailer where the axel broke because of the bad roads. However, we quickly found a solution, with God’s help.

Next, as recommended by the well builder, 1500 bricks were made, burned and transported to the farm from a place 6 km outside of Nsioni.
Fine sand from a river 5 km away, which filters the water in the well, was brought to the farm.
The workers dug 7 meters deep. The well is 2 x 2 m wide.

 Selon l’Indice de développement humain des Nations Unies (2012), le Congo RDC se classe comme ayant le plus faible niveau de vie dans le monde.

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