

School Construction
School Construction

School Construction

Until the start of our school project in early 2011, the village of Mushapo did not have their own school. To spare the children their daily long walk to neighboring villages and in order that more children can get a good education, ADH made the realization of a school project in Mushapo its goal. The school project is meant to last: Several school buildings with bright spacious classrooms of solid, durable materials should guarantee a permanent school operation no matter what the weather conditions. In addition, important new jobs will be created in the rural area by building schools and the operation thereof.

May 2011

Funding of the school building

We have to take care of the funding of the school building. We visit some of our supporters in order to be able to start building as soon as possible. We apply for a building cost subsidy at the German Embassy in Kinshasa. The embassy receives over 400 such applications a year can only accept a few. Let´s see if it works.
Funding of the school building
Apr 2011

ADH owns a piece of land

Our project begins with planning. We look for a suitable place for the school buildings with an integrated farm project. The produce of the agriculture will help the long-term financing of the school project. The chiefs (traditional owners of the land) donate a 9 ha area and it is registered by the government. Before the construction work of the buildings can start the wild countryside has to be surveyed and cleared.
ADH owns a piece of land
Mar 2011

The beginning

We arrive for the first time in Mushapo, West Kasai. Mushapo is a small village, 50 km south of Tshikapa direction Angola and ca 1000 km southeast of Kinshasa. The village has no school and up to now the children have to make long walks to the schools in neighboring towns. We visit the schools there to evaluate our next moves. The project is taken on – ADH will build a school in Mushapo, so the children there.
The beginning

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 Our project is an enormous encouragement to the people of Mushapo and the surrounding villages, because a good education means a better future for their children.

314 students, four villages, 10 classrooms, 10 teachers


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