



With the school project in Mushapo ADH wants to ensure a good education for the students in order to give them and the village a better future. ADH offers the schooling for free, so that also children from poorer families can attend the school. With a proper teaching staff ADH tries to establish a good teacher ratio, so that the children can be treated according to their needs. The curriculum of the officially recognized school is based on national guidelines, but already in the first grade, the language is French.

Mar 2011

The Beginning

Mushapo is a little village 50 kilometres south of Tshikapa, direction Angola, and about 1000 km southeast of Kinshasa in West Kasai. When we first arrived there, the village had no school. The schools in neighbouring villages mostly consisted of little mud huts, with thatched roofs that had to be renewed every year because of heavy rainfalls. The children were sitting on bended tree branches. This situation gave us the desire to build a solid school, in order to enable the children having a better chance for the future. Thus our project begins.
The Beginning

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