


Since the year 2000 our annual reports provide an overview over the progress of our projects. Apart from summaries concerning the current project this section also covers completed projects. Thereby we trace the history of “Active Direct Help”. Additionally we regularly publish the recent developments to our current project in detail.

Annual Reports
Dec 2024

Annual Report: 20 Years active in the DR Congo

20 Years active in the DR Congo

Here are some Highlights of what ADH members and friends were able to accomplish between 2004 and 2024:

- Humanitarian aid items for a 40ft container were personally collected, sorted, shipped and distributed to the most needy in the Kinshasa area.
- Hundreds of orphans were fed, clothed and young people trained in life skills and values.
- Two schools (details below) with emphasis on agriculture were built and are operating in the countryside.

From the year 2010 onwards, our focus switched from humanitarian aid in Kinshasa towards the development of the rural areas where the need is the greatest and the infrastructure the weakest. This led to the construction and running of two schools:
- Primary school in MUSHAPO with 500 pupils, 1000 km southeast of the capital Kinshasa, near the Angolan border
- Agro-Veterinary Institute in MABALA with 300 students, 500 km northeast of Kinshasa

News from Mabala

Gilbert reports: The Mai-Ndombe province is very happy with the quality of education provided in our school. After the 2023 final exams, 44 students received their diploma. In spite of 80% unemployment, 17 of them could ensure a paying job! Our students have the priority for the recruitment due to the high level of training. Some of them want to continue at the University.


New project on a 15,000 hectare farm in the village Nsioni – 500 km west of Kinshasa.


Our plan is to organize a vocational training program for young people of this region who have no job possibilities otherwise. The long-term goal is to build classrooms and eventually even dormitories to be able to make training available to young people from that region. After about a year of scholastic and practical training, the students will go back to their villages with seeds and a baby animal to develop the countryside and earn a living.

Already accomplished

- Electric wires and poles were bought and installed. Electricity was brought to the main building on the farm.
- Electric wires and poles were bought and installed. Electricity was brought to the main building on the farm.
- Planting and cultivating of fruits and vegetables, fish and chicken breeding.
- The first five students are trained in agriculture and fish farming.

Building a well

To get anything done in this country, especially in the countryside, is nothing short of a miracle. Here is a report from Joseph how a well was built, starting with transporting material from Kinshasa to Nsioni:
Despite many obstacles, we arrived at the farm on Monday morning at 4 o’clock. We spent three days on the road (500 km!) because of traffic jams between Kinshasa and Matadi. Unfortunately, between Boma and Nsioni, precisely in the village of Muenge, we had an accident with our small trailer where the axel broke because of the bad roads. However, we quickly found a solution, with God’s help.
It is truly admirable how resilient people in these areas, including Joseph, can be.

Next, as recommended by the well builder, 1500 bricks were made, burned and transported to the farm from a place 6 km outside of Nsioni.
Fine sand from a river 5 km away, which filters the water in the well, was brought to the farm.
The workers dug 7 meters deep. The well is 2 x 2 m wide.

School curriculum

Joseph had several meetings with Professor Alex Mulongo Mbuya of the UPN University in Kinshasa, who is working on a curriculum for our school which will include training in agriculture, fish farming and animal husbandry.


Besides fundraising for the project in the Congo, work on his new book and a myriad of other things, Wolfgang had another interview, this time with “Radio Berliner Morgenröte” in Berlin. Lenka is communicating with Joseph and Madlen in the Congo, continues her weekly online meetings with her Bible students, and together with Zdenek keeps improving her new Czech website. ADH members held their yearly meeting, as usual online, as we live separate in four different countries.

Image Gallery
First 5 students are receiving practical training in agriculture and fish farmingCasing of the well and the lidJoseph and Professor Mbuya at UPN University preparing school curriculum for our schoolConstruction for fish breedingFor the first time we were able to cultivate hundreds of babies of a big river fish in our pondsJoseph´s kids with baby fish, kept in a special section of the pondJoseph manufacturing juice from star fruits and other special fruits he had plantedADH yearly meeting, online L-R: Jens (with baby) and Melanie, Jos, Wolfgang and Lenka, Tereza and Hana1500 bricks were burned and transported to the farm for the construction of the wellDigging 7 meters deep for the wellOn the way to Nsioni the axle broke1500 bricks were burned and transported to the farm for the construction of the well1500 bricks were burned and transported to the farm for the construction of the wellJoseph´s family with 2 friends in NsioniFriend Vincent in Kinshasa transported Joseph’s materials to NsioniMany kinds of vegetables are growing very well on the farm. First students and Joseph´s children helpingMany kinds of vegetables are growing very well on the farm. First students and Joseph´s children helpingPeanut plants & special African eggplantsPeanut plants & special African eggplantsOn the way to Nsioni the axle brokeSome of the 2023 graduates with director Philemon (top left) and teachers of the Agro-Veterinary Institute „ITAV-ADH MABALA“

More in this category: « Interim Report 2024

Our Annual reports

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